Area-Specific Curettes Flashcards
Curettes (4)
ONE cutting edge; lower portion of the working-end
Rounded toe
Straight & complex shanks
Used in deep periodontal pockets due to their ability to adapt to root anatomy
Gracey Curette Series
* S h a n k d e s i gn ra n g e s f r o m
s i m p l e
t o c o m p l e x t o r i g i d t o a c c o u n t
f o r r o o t s u r f a c e s i n d e e p p o c ke t s
G 1/2-
anterior teeth only
G 11/12-
mesial, buccal, lingual aspects of posterior teeth
G 13/14-
distal aspect of posterior teeth
Gracey 1/2 (anterior
- Si m p le s h a nk ( h an dle s h o u l d b e
p a ra l lel to l o n g a xi s o f th e to o th
w h e n s ca l i n g) - Fl i p i n s tr um en t i n o r d e r to cove r
to wa r d a n d a way s u r f a ces
Gracey 1/2 (anterior
Begin at midline; adapt cutting edge; scale into interproximal region
Terminal shank & handle
should be parallel to long
axis of the tooth once in
the interproximal space
Flip the instrument; begin again at midline; adapt cutting edge; scale into interproximal region
GRACEY 11/12
Covers the buccal & lingual
aspects of posterior teeth
AND mesial surfaces
GRACEY 13/14
Covers distal surfaces of
posterior teeth
Gracey 11/12
* Be sure to scale into the
- Terminal shank should be —
with the long axis of the tooth
interproximal area
Gracey 13/14
Even though this instrument is used
for the DISTAL aspect of a posterior
tooth, use the
“mesial curve” trick to
help identify the correct working -end
Gracey 13/14 steps
Once the correct working-end is identified,
offset the instrument to adapt to the distal
line angle
Ensure you are scaling all the way into
the interproximal space before
completing this aspect of the tooth