AREA-2 Flashcards
Application of water to create a condition in the soil that is favorable for plant growth.
the removal of excess water from the soil with the same aim of creating conditions favorable for the growth of crops.
the relative proportion of primary particles (sand, silt and clay) in the soil
Soil texture
the arrangements of primary particles in the soil into units or peds
Soil structure
the ratio of the void volume to the total soil volume (unitless)
the ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the total soil volume
Bulk density
the ratio of the dry weight of the soil to the volume of the soil particles
particle density
ratio of the bulk density of the soil with the
density of water
apparent specific gravity
ratio of the particle density of the soil with the
density of water
real specific gravity
the time rate at which water will percolate into the soil
Infiltration rate
the rate of infiltration from a furrow into the soil
intake rate
the velocity of flow into the soil caused by a unit hydraulic gradient in which the driving force is one kilogram per kilogram of water.
the amount of water the soil profile will hold when all its pore spaces are filled up with water
saturation point
The amount of water the soil profile will hold when all its pore spaces are filled up with water. Also, the moisture content of the soil when gravitational water has been removed
Field Capacity
the soil moisture content when plants permanently wilt.
Permanent wilting point
the difference in moisture content of the soil between field capacity and the permanent wilting point.
available moisture
that portion of the available moisture that is
most easily extracted by plants; this is approximately 75% of the available moisture.
readily available moisture
the ratio between the water delivered to the farm and the water diverted from a river or reservoir expressed in percent
Water Conveyance Efficiency
the ratio between water stored in the soil root zone during irrigation and the water delivered to the farm expressed in percent.
Water Application Efficiency
the ratio of water beneficially used on the project, farm or field to the amount of water delivered to the farm expressed in percent.
Water-use Efficiency
the ratio of water stored in the root zone during the irrigation to the water needed in the root zone prior to irrigation, expressed in percent.
Water Storage Efficiency
the ratio of the normal consumptive use of water to the net amount of water depleted from the root zone soil.
Consumptive Use Efficiency
the power theoretically required to lift a given quantity of water each second to specified height.
Water horsepower
water horsepower divided by pump efficiency, in decimal.
Brake Horsepower
the difference in elevation of the water surface in a pond, lake, or river from which pumped water is taken, and the water surface of the discharge canal into which the water flows from a submerged discharged pipe.
Static Head
the sum of total static head, pressure head, velocity head and friction head
Total Dynamic Head
is the difference in elevation between the groundwater table and the water surface at the well when pumping.
graphs that show interrelations between speed, head discharge, and horsepower of a pump.
Characteristic Curve
expresses the relationship between speed in rpm, discharge in gpm, and head in feet.
Specific Speed
is the sum of transpiration and water evaporated from the soil, or exterior portions of the plants where water may have accumulated from irrigation, rainfall, dew, or exudation from the interior of the plants.
the process by which water vapor escapes from living plants, principally by leaves, and enters the atmosphere.
the fraction of the irrigation water that must be leached through the root zone to control soil salinity at specified level.
Leaching Requirement (LR)
irrigation systems that have relatively large service
areas and are managed by government agencies
National Irrigation Systems (NIS)
managed and operated by farmers’ or irrigators’ associations
Communal Irrigation Systems (CIS)
the amount of water to be applied to the field as irrigation.
Irrigation Water Requirement (IWR)
pipes vertically set into the ground that abstract groundwater to be used for irrigation, usually owned and operated by individual
Shallow Tubewell Irrigation Systems (STW)
It is the simplest piece of overhead irrigation equipment and is commonly used in small-scale upland farming.
Watering can
This method is the application of water to the surface of
the soil in the form of spray, simulating that of rain.
Sprinkler Irrigation
It is accomplished by running water through small channels or furrows while it moves down or across the slope of the field.
Furrow irrigation
It is a variation of the furrow method and it uses
small rills or corrugations for irrigating closely spaced crops, such as small grains
and pastures.
Corrugation irrigation
Water is applied from field ditches to guide its flow and it is difficult to attain high irrigation efficiency using this method.
Ordinary flooding
A field is divided into a series of strips by borders or ridges running down the predominant slope or on the contour. Water is released into the head of the border to irrigate.
Border-strip flooding
Water is supplied to level plots surrounded by
dikes or levees.
Level-border or basin irrigation
the water is directed to the base of the plant. Water is applied to the soil through small orifices.
by drip or trickle irrigation
the surface is rarely wet since the water is supplied from the soil underneath.
by sub-irrigation
This system is adapted to areas with depressions that are too deep or too large to fill by land leveling. The ditches meander
from one low spot to another, collecting the water and carrying it to an outlet
Random Ditch System
This resembles terracing in that the drainage ditches are constructed around the slope on a uniform grade according to the land topography. The ditches should be constructed across the slope as straight and parallel as the topography permits.
Interception or Cross-slope System
This is suitable on flat, poorly drained
soils that have numerous shallow depressions. In general, the ditches are 185 m to a maximum of 370 m apart (not necessarily equidistant) and the land in between the parallel ditches is sloped and smoothed to eliminate any minor depressions or obstructions to the overland flow of the water.
Diversion or Parallel Ditch System
This system is used in rolling topography where drainage is necessary only in small valleys.
Natural System
Used if the entire area is to be drained and is usually more economiC. Laterals enter the submain from one side only to minimize the double drainage that occurs near the submain.
Gridiron Layout
The submain is laid in a depression and the laterals join the submain from each side alternately. The land along the submain is double drained, but since it is in a depression, it probably requires more drainage.
Herringbone Pattern
This system is often used if the bottom of the
depression is wide since it reduces the lengths of the laterals and eliminates the break in slope of the laterals at the edge of the depression.
Double-main System
This is used if the main source of excess water is
drainage from hill lands. The drains are placed along the toe of the slope to protect the bottom land.
Intercepting Drain
This system is adopted to minimize the
exposure of the laterals to the hazard posed by root of trees which easily enter the open joints of underdrains. Mains and laterals were kept well away from trees.
Arrangement to avoid trees
the composite parts of the irrigation system that divert water from natural bodies of water such as rivers, streams, and lakes
lands which display marked characteristics justifying the operation of an irrigation system
Irrigable Lands
lands serviced by natural irrigation or irrigation facilities. These include land where water is not readily available as existing irrigation facilities need rehabilitation or upgrading or where irrigation water is not available year-round
Irrigated Lands
a system of irrigation facilities covering contiguous areas
Irrigation System
an association of farmers within a contiguous area served by a National Irrigation System or Communal Irrigation System
Irrigators’ Association (IA)
the channel where diverted water from a source flows to the intended area to be irrigated
Main Canal
composite facilities that permit entry of water to paddy areas and consist of farm ditches and turnouts
On-Farm Irrigation Facilities
the channel connected to the main canal which distributes irrigation to specific areas
Secondary Canal
a tube or shaft vertically set into the ground to bring groundwater to the soil surface from a depth of less than 20 meters
by suction lifting
Shallow Tubewell (STW)