APUSH Chapter 26 Flashcards
Fiance for the future
- US came out prosperous
- June 1945: capital assets of
manufacturing had increased 65% over prewar levels - Lost the Soviet Union as a future customer & most of Eastern Europe, so looked west
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank) & the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- July 1944: representatives from 44 allied nations met at Bretton Woods, NH
- Expected to help rebuild war-torn Europe & Asia
- The US was the main loaner - determining the allocation of loans, could unilaterally reshape the global economy.
- The US took the most out of this, benefited the most.
- Soviet Union attend, but refused to ratify the agreements, Stalin believed it would make the Soviet Union an economic colony of the capitalist West
The Atlantic Charter
1941, was the US & Great Britain proclaiming the right of all nations to self-determination in a renounce claims to new territories as spoils of war
Potsdam Conference
July 1945: Stalin regained & extended his territory, & exiting Eastern Poland with Western approval & the little Baltic nations without it
- Soviet influence in a lot of Eastern Europe where the Red Army had been
Divided Germany
- Conquered zones into 4 occupation zones,
~ Each temporarily used by one on the Allied nations
Soviet & American relationship stated to get strained over Germany
- US began to grant amnesty to some former Nazis
Britain & France wanted high reparations from Germany, dismantle their military (post ww1)
December: US, France, & GB all merged their zones, Stalin refused
- The Soviet history & the US’s future plans for Germany started the causes for issues between the 2 countries
United Nations
1944 & April 1945: a world organization that would attribute disputes among member nations & stop aggressors by force if necessary
50 nations signed the UN charter voted in the General Assembly
- Only 5 (US, GB, the Soviet Union, France, & China) served permanently on the Security Council
~ Each had absolute veto power over the Council’s decisions.
China 1949
Communists won the Chinese Civil
- the Western Powers would block the new People’s Republic from claiming China’s UNC, held by the defeated nationalists in Taiwan
George F. Kennan
1946: The nation’s Premier Diplomat in dealing with the Soviet union, sent to 8000 word “long telegram” from Moscow to the state department insisting that Soviet fanaticism made cooperation impossible
- Soviet Union will only respond with force, no effective sit down bargaining
The Containment Policy
To halt the expansion of communism and prevent it from advancing around the world.
Truman Doctrine
The US would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.
Marshall Plan/the European Recovery Program
Sought to reduce “hungry, poverty, desperation, and chaos” & to restore “the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole.”
- Plan also designed to boost the US
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Pact
A legal agreement between many countries, whose overall purpose was to promote international trade by reducing or eliminating trade barriers such as tariffs or quotas.
- US & 17 other countries
Berlin Blockade
June 1948: the Soviet Union, whose territory fully surrounded the capital, cut off all ground traffic into and out of West Berlin in an attempt to force the Allies to abandon the city.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
April 1949: A mutual-defense alliance
- 10 European nations, Canada, & the US
Warsaw Pact
A political and military alliance established on May 14, 1955 between the Soviet Union and several Eastern European countries.
Atomic Warfare
- After 1945 the US began to build an atomic stockpile & to conduct tests on remote Pacific Islands
- August 1949: the Soviet Union tested it own atomic bomb
- By the 1950s, both the US & the Soviet Union were testing hydrogen bombs 1,000 times more powerful than the weapons dropped on Japan in 1945
Employment Act of 1946
Created: the Council of Economic Advisors - experts who would counsel the president
Twenty-Second Amendment
Limiting future presidents to two terms
Taft-Hartley Act of 1947
Prohibits certain union practices and requires disclosure of certain financial and political activities by unions.
- Passed over Truman’s veto
~ Truman later would invoke the act against strikes
Executive Order 9835
March 21, 1947: Establishing a civilian loyalty program for all federal employees
Federal Employees Loyalty and Security Program
Questioned federal employees on the Soviet Union, the Marshall Plan, or NATO, & whether they would report a fellow workers were communist
- One point 6.6 million people underwent loyalty & security checks, some teachers as well as public employees
- Estimated 500 government workers were fired & perhaps as many as 6,000 more chose to resign
National Security Act
July 1947: established the Dept. of Defense & the National Security Council (NSC)
- To administer & coordinate defense policies & advise the president.
National Security Resources Board (NSRD)
To coordinate plans throughout the government “in the event of war” &, for the first time in American history, to maintain military preparedness and peacetime
- Dept. of Defense & the NSRD became the principal sponsors of scientific research during the first 10 years the Cold War
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
A permanent operation devoted to collecting political, military, & economic information for security purposes throughout the world
- Huge workforce
Henry Wallace
Fired by Truman
- Pledge to expand New Deal programs, by boldly moving to establish full employment, racial quality, & stronger unions, promise peace with the Soviet Union
- Wallace appreaded the viable candidate on the new Progressive Party ticket
- Truman defeated Wallace by branding him a tool of the communists
1948 Election
Thomas E. Dewey: the Republican nominee, a NY governor
July 1948: Truman issued executive degrees desegregating the armed forces & banning discrimination in the federal civil service
- Response: 300 Southern delegates bolted from the Democratic National Convention & named a States Rights (“Dixiecrat”) ticket, headed by the staunchly segregationist governor of South Carolina, J. Strom Thurmond
Truman won, Democrats regain majorities in both houses of Congress
The National Housing Act of 1949
Provided federal funded low-income housing
Congress raised minimum wage to 40 to 75 cents per hour
- Bought an additional 10 million people under Social Security coverage
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
A permanent standing committee since 1945, begin hearings on communist and the Hollywood film industry on October 1947
- Hollywood refused to hire anyone who would not cooperate with the HUAC
- Labor movements were victim of the second Red Scare
HUAC opted to identify spies and agents of Espionage in the US
Alger Hiss
A fellow Communist in the Washington underground was put in jail for his “espionage” acts
The Rosenberg’s
Julius Rosenberg ( a former government engineer) & wife Ethel: Accused of conveying Atomic secrets to Soviet agents during World War II
Maintained innocent to the end, in March 1941 a jury found them both guilty
Joseph R. McCarthy/McCarthyism
Republican senator for Wisconsin
At a speech on Lincoln day he claimed that there were 205 federal government employees who were Communist.
Had no evidence of actual communist, but launched a flamboyant offense against New Deal Democrats and the Truman Administration for failing to defend the nation security
Gave the name to the era: McCarthyism
1954 on nationally televised congressional hearings McCarthy failed to prove his wild charges of communist inflation of the army, in the glare the television appeared deranged
Then he was finally censured by the Senate
G.I Bill (1944)
A program that helps veterans and their families pay for college, graduate school, and training programs.a program that helps veterans and their families pay for college, graduate school, and training programs.
- Increased men in college but that then decreased women getting a higher education.
Manhattan Project
An unprecedented, top-secret World War II government program in which the United States rushed to develop and deploy the world’s first atomic weapons before Nazi Germany.
Combat Soviet Communism
- Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge & the American Heritage Foundation join the American Legion & the Chamber of Commerce to get the “American way”
- Attorney General Tom C. Clark, supported by Truman, help up patriotic papers to be the “Freedom Train”
Zeal of Democracy
1947: Program for inflation of school boards nationwide
- In a national civil defense program, school children learned to “duck” under their desks & “cover” their heads in the event of a surprise Soviet nuclear attack
Japan & China
General Douglas MacArthur had a program for the Japaneses gov to set up to help get rid of communist and reshape the country
- Japan has military bases,On the doorstep of Soviet Union’s Asian rim
China’s nationalist government lost to the communist
- February 1950 the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China science Alliance
Republican party blamed Truman for “losing” China
The Korean War
June 25, 1950: The US received a cablegram reporting invasion of South Korea by the communist North
- North Korea was dominating until Truman authorized MacArthur to carry out an amphibious landing at Inchon, near Seoul, on September 15, 1950
- Oct 15: The Chinese drove the UN back into South Korea, where they regrouped south of the 38th.
Summer of 1951: stalemate reached & a negotiation for an armistice
April 10, 1951: Truman fired him
38th parallel
At the World War II Allies divided to Korean Peninsula
- The line between North and South hardened, us back to the unpopular Southern government of Syngman Rhee (the Republic of Korea)
- Soviet Union sponsored the rival government in North
National Security Council Paper 68 (NSC-68)
April 1950: A sweeping Declaration of Cold War policy submitted by Truman
Post Korean War
Anti-Communist propaganda increased
“ Red China” and the US would be impeccable enemies for the next 20 years
Truman’s Breach
Truman’s breach of executive power for sending troops into Korea
- Combated backlash but saying that it as a national emergency & by carefully referring to the military deployment not as a US “war” but as a UN-sanctioned “police action”
- China left the UN security council, after the Chinese war the government fled to Taiwan
Election of 1952
- Truman’s popularity so low that he announced that he was not running for reelection
- General Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Ike” & Richard Nixon (R)
~ Zoomed in on “K1C2” - Korea, Communism, & Corruption - Adlai E. Stevenson, Jr. (D)
~ Had no plans
Eisenhower won the election