APUSH CH 29/30 JEOPARDY Flashcards
Program to provide healthcare for the poor and elderly
Johnson’s overarching plan to lift the poor out of poverty
great society
Kenney’s term for building conventional and special forces capacity, in addition to nuclear weapons
flexible response
Most controversial part of the OEO, it ask and allowed poor people to plan and run the anti-poverty programs
community action
hoping to avoid another Cuba, in 1965 LBJ invaded this nation, restoring a dictator friendly to the US
Dominican Republic
Organization of young people to organize sit-ins and other direct action, it grew more radical over the decade
This law ended discrimination in employment and places of public accommodation
civil rights act of 1964
Protest in this Alabama City led to the 1965 Voting Rights Act
An alternative to Martin Luther King, the black power movement drew inspiration from his words
malcolm x
Created in 1964 as an alternative to the racist white political power structure in Mississippi
the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
some of the laws passed under Nixon in response to the environmental or ecology movement
clean water act, clean air act, EPA
It promoted cynicism about politics and disgraced the Nixon Legacy
Arab group that drastically increased oil prices in the 1970s
An example of détente with the USSR was this arms control agreement
Nixon’s key advisor in Foreign policy was this Harvard Professor
US commander in the Pacific War, Japanese Occupation, and Korea, until fired for insubordination
douglas macarthur
His mass-produced houses created the suburbs
French defeat here forced them out of Vietnam
Dien Bien Phu
Black leader of the 1930s and 1940s Civil Rights movement
phillip randolph
Nasser’s seizure of this set off a diplomatic crisis in 1956, particularly when Britain and France tried to take it back by force
suez canal