Approaches- Origins Of Psychology Flashcards
17th-19th century
Best understood as experimental philosophy
Wundt opens first experimental psychological lab. Psychology emerges as its own concept- separates psychology from philosophy.
Sigmund Freud publishes ‘the interpretation of dreams’ and the psychodynamic approach is established. Emphasised influence of unconscious mind on behaviour.
What was Freuds person-centred therapy
Psychoanalysis- argued that physical problems could be explained in terms of conflicts within the mind.
Watson writes ‘Psychology as the behaviourist views it’ and Skinner establishes the behaviourist approach. The psychodynamic and behaviourist approaches dominate psychology for the next 50 years
Rogers and Maslow develop the humanistic approach- ‘third force’. Emphasises the importance of self determination and free will
1960s (cog)
Cognitive revolution came with invention of computers. Gave psychologists a metaphor for operations of human mind. Cognitive approach studies mental processes far more scientifically than Wundt previously.
1960s (band)
Bandura proposes social learning theory. Builds a bridge between newly established cognitive approach and traditional behaviourism in learning.
1980s onwards
Biological approach begins to dominate, due to technological advances leading to increased understanding of the brain and biological processes.
Eve of 21st century
Cognitive neuroscience emerges as a distinct discipline bringing together cognitive and biological approaches. It is built on the earlier computer models and investigates how biological structures influence mental states.
What is introspection?
The first systematic experimental attempt to study the mind by breaking up conscious awareness into basic structures of thoughts, images and sensations
What is structuralism?
A method of interpretation and analysis of human cognition, behaviour, and experience which focuses on relationships of contrast between elements in a conceptual system.
What is the evaluation of Wundts introspection?
Strength: some methods systematic and well controlled. Lab environment so no extraneous variables. Research considered a forerunner to later approaches.
Weakness: wouldn’t be considered scientific today. Ptpts self reported their mental processes so data was subjective, made it difficult to establish meaningful laws of behaviour (an aim of science)
What are the key features of science?
Objectivity (factual), replicability (same findings), empirical methods (can be observed/measured)
Evaluate the emergence of psychology as a science
Strength: modern psychology can claim to be scientific. Same aims as nature sciences. Learning, cognitive, and biological approaches rely on scientific methods.
Weakness: not all approaches use scientific methods. Humanistic and psychodynamic approaches focus more on individual- more subjective, findings may not always be representative.
What are demand characteristics?
Ptpts changing their behaviour in a study to either help or harm results. Please you/ screw you effect.
Evaluate emergence of psychology as a science acronym
Evaluate Wundt’s introspection acronym