Approaches: Evaluation Flashcards
Origins of Psychology AO3
- unreliable methods: relied on ‘nonobservable’ responses
+ scientific: tests assumptions about behaviour by establishing causality + correcting theories - not all psychologists believ human behaviour can be explored using scientific methods: much is unobservable and relies on inferences from data
Behaviourist AO3
+ classical has been applied to therapy eg treatment of phobias
- classical only appropriate for some forms of learning eg concept of preparedness (Seligman)
+ operant based on experimental work: allows establishment of cause-effect relationships
Social Learning Theory AO3
+ useful applications: offers way of understanding criminal behaviour (Ulrich)
+ research support for identification: learning more effective from similar than dissimilar model (Fox and Bailenson)
- problem of causality: criticism of view of criminal behaviour due to exposure to deviant models
- problem of complexity: advocates of SLT disregard other potential influences on behaviour
Cognitive AO3
+ applications eg cognitive approach to psyhcopathology
+ scienitfic: uses scientific method
- computer models: many differences between computer and human processing eg computers don’t make mistakes
- ignores emotion and motivation: irrelavant to computer but not to human
- studies lack ecological validity: most research uses tasks that are relatively meaningless in real-life settings
Biological AO3
+ uses scientific method: makes replication easier
+ provides clear predictions which can be tested
- reductionist
Fight or Flight AO3
- tend and befriend response in females
- negative consequences eg heart disease
- doesn’t tell whole story: ‘freezing’ precedes both fight and flight
Psychodynamic AO3
+ pioneering approach - Freud the first to demonstarte the potential of psychological treatments for disorders
+ scientific support - Fisher and Greenberg found support for many psychoanalytic claims
- gender biased - based on male rather than female sexuality
- culture biased - little relevance for people from non-Western cultures
- comprehensive theory, including use as a form of literary criticism
Humanistic AO3
+ Maslow’s hierachy linked to economic development
+ research support for conditions of worth eg Harter et al
- humanistic research methods produce data that is mostly correlational
- represents overly idealised and unrealisitic view of human nature
- cross-cultural evidence that in some cultures needs appear in a different order