Approach Procedures Flashcards
What is meant by OCA for precision approach and non precision approach
Precision = The lowest altitude at which a missed approach must be initiated to ensure compliance with the appropriate obstacle clearance
Obstacle clearance altitude/height
Non Precision = lowest height above aerodrome elevation below which an aircraft cannot descend without infringing obstacle clearance
Missed Approach point which must be initiated in order to ensure minimum obstacle clearance is not infringed
Electrical glide path
Departing the pattern
Pilot should adjust the pattern within the limits of established holding procedures in order to leave holding point at the time specified
Fixed approach point (precision) - on the final approach track where the intermediate approach altitude intercepts the nominal glide path
(Nominal Glide Path)
Visual manoeuvre- circling
Describes instrument approach bringing ac in position for landing on a different runway than in instrument arrival
Arrival Segment
Transition from en route to procedure via STAR
Initial approach segment
Procedure between the initial approach and intermediate fix
Intermediate approach segment
Between the intermediate fix and final approach fix/point
Speed and config adjusted to prepare for final
Final approach segment
Segment of instrument approach which alignment and descent for landing are accomplished
Procedure turn
Turn made away from designated track followed by a turn in opposite direction to permit ac to intercept and proceed along reciprocal of designated track
Base turn
Not reciprocal - turn executed by ac during initial approach between the end of the outbound track and beginning of intermediate/final track
Glide path interception generally occurs between what heights
1000ft and 3000ft
Primary and secondary area
Primary area - 1/2 each side of the track
Secondary area - 1/4 each side of the track
Straight approach
30 degrees or less deviation from centreline
Procedure turn vs base turn
Procedure turn = reciprocal
Base turn = non reciprocal
Aircraft categories based on speed at threshold are for
Aircraft’s manoeuvrability to the procedure for the approach
Minimum sector altitude - lowest alt guaranteed minimum obstacle clearance of 1000ft - 25nm radius
Loss of glideslope procedure
Either a non precision approach is used if time permits or go around
OCA precision
Lowest altitude above runway for a missed approach
Holding Patterns turn direction
Turns to the right
Minimum Descent Altitude
What is the radius of MSA
On circling approach what should pilot keep in sight
Runway environment whilst at MDA/H
ILS Accuracy providing track guidance
+-2.4 degrees
ILS Accuracy Not Providing Track guidance
+-1.4 degrees
VOR Accuracy providing track and not providing track
VOR With track = +-5.2 degrees
VOR without track = +-4.5 degrees
NDB Accuracy with and without track guidance
NDB With track guidance = +-6.9 degrees
NDB without track guidance +-6.2 degrees
What is the optimum glide path angle for an ILS approach with no obstacles
3 degrees
Max = 3.7 degrees/6.5% A/B
Max = 3.5/6.1% - C/D/E
IAF to IF angle of interception for:
Precision Approach = 90 degrees
Non Precision Approach = 120 degrees
Dead Reckoning = 45 degrees
What must ATC pass when pilot is unfamiliar with approach charts
The initial approach level
Final approach track
How long must be allowed between an aircraft taking off in any direction and a straight in approaching aircraft
5 minutes until before the arriving aircraft is estimated to be over the instrument runway
How long must be allowed between an aircraft taking off with a direction different by 45+ degrees from approach of arriving aircraft
3 minutes
OCH difference for precision and non precision approach
Precision = The lowest altitude above the elevation of the threshold at which missed approach must be initiated
Non precision = lowest altitude above aerodrome elevation of aerodrome or threshold is more than 7ft below aerodrome elevation
Expected Approach Time
The time at which ATC expects that an arriving aircraft following a delay will leave the holding fix to complete its approach for a landing