Applied Exercise Physiology Session Learning Objectives Flashcards
Ventilation involves movement of air through conducting airways. Influences?
size/configuration of thorax, height, gender, race, age, disease
Respiration involves gas exchange in the body. External vs internal?
external: alveolar-capillary exchange
internal: tissue-capillary level
What factors determine oxygen uptake?
pulmonary ventilation, diffusion of oxygen, cardiac performance, redistribution of blood flow, utilization/extraction of oxygen uptake by skeletal muscle
Physiological impact of increased oxygen demand on respiratory rate?
increased amplitude and frequency
more oxygen inhalation and delivery to tissues
Physiological impact of increased oxygen demand on oxygen saturation?
no change
Physiological impact of increased oxygen demand on heart rate?
increase to pump more blood to tissues (linear increase with workload)
Physiological impact of increased oxygen demand on BP?
increase due to increased HR (BP = Q*peripheral resistance)
systolic increases more than diastolic
Diastolic rises less because of vasodilation that decreases peripheral resistance
Physiological impact of increased oxygen demand on A-V O2 Diff.?
amount of oxygen extracted by tissues from the blood (in mL/dL) increases linearly with workload
Pulmonary response to exercise?
increase tidal volume and RR
Cardiovascular response to exercise?
Q increases due to HR and SV increases
Musculoskeletal system response to exercise?
Increase ligament strength, tendon strength, bone density, collagen content, bone density, muscle fiber size, enzymes
Define HR.
Wave of blood in artery caused by contraction of LV. (rate, rhythm, quality)
Karvonen method for target HR calculation?
(Desired Intensity(Hrmax- Hrrest)) +HRrest
Define Preload
amount blood in the L ventricle at end of diastole
Define Contractility
ability of ventricles to contract
Define afterload
force LV must generate during systole to overcome aortic pressure and open aortic valve
Define SV.
volume of blood ejected with each contraction (mL/min); components are preload, afterload, contractility
Define Cardiac Output (Q)
Volume of blood that leaves the ventricle per minute (L/min)
What is relationship between BP and Q?
higher BP = increased CO
define V02 Max
Max energy consumed per minute at max intensity.
v02 determinants
pulmonary ventilation diffusion of oxygen cardiac performance redistribution of blood flow utilization/extraction of 02 by skeletal muscle
Fxns of Therex?
remediate/prevent impairments, enhance fxn, reduce risk, optimize overall health, enhance fitness/well-being
Acute stage is known as
protection phase
subacute stage is known as
controlled motion phase
chronic stage is known as
return to fxn phase
Essential components to exercise prescription
first ID the purpose!
intensity, duration, frequency, mode, progression
Intensity is best measured by
v02 max
Intensity is based on
overload principle, adaptation
Mode is based on
specificity principle
Aerobic exercise must include
warm up (elevate HR 10-20bpm); aerobic phase; cool down
Adaptation takes a minimum of __-__ weeks.
Adaptation results in
increased efficiency of CV system and active muscles, improves performance
Adaptation is dependent on
ability of organism to change, variability of training threshold stimulus, level of fitness
Cardiac changes with exercise at rest?
dec RHR, dec BP, inc blood volume and hemoglobin
Cardiac changes with exercise?
dec HR, dec blood flow/kg muscle, dec myocardial 02 consumption
inc SV, Q, oxygen extraction, v02max
Respiratory changes at rest?
larger lung volumes
larger diffusion capacities
Respiratory changes with exercise?
larger diffusion capacities, increased ventilatory efficiency (lower volume of air ventilated at same consumption, increased max minute ventilation)
Metabolic changes at rest?
muscle hypertrophy, increased capillary density, increased #/size of mitochondria, increase myoglobin
Metabolic changes with exercise?
decreased rate of muscle glycogen depletion, lower blood lactate levels, less ATP-PC reliance, increased capability to oxidize CHO