Applied anatomy live session Flashcards
What is the uterus divided into?
2 main parts
Body of uterus is superior 2/3
Cervix is lower 1/3
Uterus is divided by the vaginal attachment into what?
- Supra vaginal part (between the isthmus and vagina) which is only separated from the bladder anteriorly only by loose connective tissue and from the rectum posteriorly by recto-uterine pouch. (Pouch of Douglas)
- Vaginal part (which protrudes to the vagina):that is visible during speculum examination
What are the reationships of the supravaginal uterus?
- Anteriorly: Urinary bladder.
- Posteriorly:Forms the anterior wall of Douglas pouch.
- Laterally:1/2 an inch lateral to the internal os the ureter is crossed by the uterine artery (i.e. ureter below the uterine artery)(Water under the bridge)
What is the vasculature of the uterus?
•Shared between the uterine and the vaginal artery à anterior division of internal iliac artery
How is the ovarian artery enclosed?
Enclosed in the infundibulo-pelvis ligaments; direct branch from Aorta
What does the ovarian vein drain into?
- right side drains into IVC
- Left Ovarian vein: drains into left renal vein.
What is the lymphatic drainage of the uterus?
Along the uterine vessels within the transverse cervical ligament to the internal and external iliac lymph nodes and along uterosacral to the sacral lymph nodes
What is the innervation of the female reporudctive tract?
Superior hypogastric plexus
Inferior hypogastric plexus
Pelvic splanchnic nerve
What is the superior hypogastric plexus?
•In front of sacral promontory; Contains sympathetic nerve fibres; divides into right and left hypogastric nerves
What is the inferior hypogastric plexus?
The right and left hypogastric nerves + preganglionic parasympathetic fibres from the pelvic splanchnic nerves. Located on each side of rectum and base of the bladder; contains both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres.
What are the pelvic splanchnic nerves?
S2/3/4; preganglionic parasympathetic fibers that originate from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th sacral spinal segments. They join the hypogastric nerves to form the inferior hypogastric plexuses
What is the function of the sympathetic nerves in the pelvis?
What is the function of the pudneal nerves in the pelvis?
What does the pudneal nerve supply?
What are the true ligaments?
Transverse cervical ligaments
Uterosacral ligaments
Pubocervical ligament