Appendix: Noise and Signal Detection Theory Flashcards
random variation in number of action potentials produced by neurons in response to fixed sensory stimulus
What can psychophysics be used for?
- Sensory system neurophysiology/ neuropsychology
- Sensory limits of vision, hearing, touch…
- Interspecies comparison
- Inferring neuronal mechanisms - Experimental psychology
- Visuomotor interactions
- Perception of speed, motion
- Attention - Quantitative measurement of perceptual states
- Diagnostic tool
- Assessment tool
Decision Criterion
threshold used when deciding whether stimulus was presented or not
Psychometric Function
plot of proportion of stimuli detected or discriminated vs stimulus intensity
- Ideal psychometric function: step function (fixed threshold)
- Real psychometric function: S- shaped (sigmoid or logistic) function
Method of Limits
either ascending or descending direction
- doesn’t change direction when stimulus is detected
- continue in many trials but vary the starting point
- similar to method of adjustment
Effect of noise on psychometric function
Detection or discrimination of stimulus is always subject to noise:
- Neural
- Stimulus (physical)
- Participant Distraction:
- Attention
- (Response)
Signal Detection Theory
framework for measuring how many people make decisions in presence of noisy perceptual evidence
- disregards decision- making style
- how stimuli are detected/ discriminated against background noise
- how to make decisions in the presence of uncertainty
- how to make optimal decisions from ambiguous data
- how to make good decisions from bad information
- allows measurement of sensitivity
SDT Outcome
yes. yes hit
yes no. miss
no. yes. false alarm
no. no. correct rejection
Receiver Operating Characteristics
quality of participants performance (hit/ false alarm)
Decision- Making Bias
participant’s tendency to be liberal or conservative when deciding if stimulus is present
Low Criterion
- decision for any kind of noise
- alert for every blob: make sure you never miss- but many false alarms
High Criterion
- make very strict decision for what to respond to
- only alert for really big blobs: no false alarms- but many misses
satisfaction from results of decision
Discriminatory d’
distance between means of noise curve and stimulus+noise curve
Difference between the hit rate and false alarm rate
High d’- very little overlap between options
Low d’- lots of overlap
- low sensitivity
- more misses and false alarms