Appendix 2 Part 2 Flashcards
Lower Gastrointestinal Exam
X-ray pictures of the colon taken after
barium sulfate is inserted through a
plastic tube into the rectum and large
intestine (barium enema)
x-ray recording of the spinal cord
X-ray recording of the kidney and urinary
X-ray recording showing an organ depth
Images are produced by beaming
sounds waves into the body and
capturing the echoes bouncing off
Upper Gastrointestinal Exam
X-ray pictures taken of the esophagus
and small intestine after barium sulfate is
swallowed (barium swallow or
Urography (Urogram)
X-ray recording of kidney and urinary
Test which uses radioactive technetium
to measure cardiac output by a multiple
gate acquisition (MUGA) technique
Pulmonary Perfusion Scan
Radioactive particles are injected
intravenously and travel to areas of the
lung not adequately filled with blood
Pulmonary Ventilation Scan
Radioactive gas is inhaled and a special
camera detects the radioactive gas in the
Technetium99m Sestamibi Scan
Sestamibi protein, tagged with technetium
99m is injected and the radioactivity is taken
up in areas of myocardial infarction. It can be
used with an exercise tolerance test
Thallium201 Scintigraphy
Thallium201 is injected into a vein and
images of blood flow through heart muscle
are recorded
Thyroid Scan
Radioactive iodine is injected intravenously
or swallowed. A scanning device detects the
radio tracer producing an image showing
size, shape and position of the thyroid gland
Visual examination of the uterus using an
endoscope passed through the uterine
neck or cervix
Incisional Biopsy
Cutting small pieces of tissue for
examination under a microscope
Procedure for viewing structures in the
mediastinum through an endoscope
inserted into the space between the
lungs and in front of the heart.
Needle Biopsy
Removing pieces of tissue with a needle
from the inside of body for examination
under a microscope
Examination by touch, feeling underlying
tissues and organs through the skin
Surgical puncture of the membrane
surrounding the abdomen (peritoneum)
to remove fluid from the abdominal cavity
Pelvic Exam
Examination of female sex organs; checking
uterus and ovaries for enlargement, cysts,
tumors or abnormal bleeding
The technique of striking a part of the body
with short sharp taps of the fingers to
determine size, density and position of the
underlying parts
Examination of the first 10 12 inches of the
rectum and colon using an endoscope
inserted through the anus sigmoidoscopy)
Examination of the first 10 12 inches of
the rectum and colon using an
endoscope inserted through the anus
Visual examination of the surface of the
lungs using an endoscope inserted
through an incision in the chest
Visual examination of the surface of the
lungs using an endoscope inserted
through an incision in the chest
Measurement of the percentage blood
volume occupied by red blood cells
Hemoccult Test
Examination of small sample of stool for
otherwise in apparent occult (hidden)
traces of blood
Hemoglobin Assay
Measurement of concentration of
hemoglobin in blood
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Measurement of the concentration of
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in
the urine
A method of testing blood and urine for
the concentration of various chemicals,
such as hormones, drugs or proteins
An antibody tagged with a radioactive or
fluorescent label is spread over a tissue
biopsy specimen used to detect the
presence of a particular antigen
produced by tissue, tumor or infection.
PKU Test
Test that determines whether the urine
of a newborn baby contains a
substance called phenylketones
Platelet Count
Determination of the number of clotting
cells in a sample of blood
Measurement of the concentration of
potassium in serum
Progesterone Receptor Assay
Test to determine whether a sample of
a tumor contains a progesterone
receptor protein
Protein Electrophoresis
A procedure that separates proteins
with an electric current. (electrophoresis
or serum protein electrophoresis)
Prothrombin Time
measurement of the activity of factors in
the blood that participate in clotting
Red Blood Cell Count
Test in which the number of
erythrocytes in a sample of blood is
Rheumatoid Factor Assay
Detection of the abnormal protein
rheumatoid factor in the serum
Serum Protein Electrophoresis
A procedure that separates proteins
with an electric current. (electrophoresis
or protein electrophoresis)
Measurement of aspartate
transaminase enzyme in serum (now
Measurement of alanine transaminase
enzyme in serum (now ALT)
Sequential Multiple Analysis
Comprehensive blood test using
biochemical examination of various
substances in blood. May include
measurement of calcium,
phosphorus, urea, creatinine,
bilirubin, AST, ALT, alkaline
phosphatase, globulin and albumin.
(the number behind SMA is the
number of labs tests performed
(blood chemistry profile)
Measurement of the concentration
of sodium in serum
Sputum test
Examination of mucus coughed
up from a patient’s lungs to detect
tumor or infection
Stool Guaiac Test
Examination of small sample of stool for
otherwise in apparent occult (hidden)
traces of blood (hemoccult test)
Determination of the amount of
triglycerides in serum
Measurement of levels of proteins
troponin I and troponin T in the
bloodstream after myocardial injury
Uric Acid
Measurement of the amount of uric acid
Examination of urine as an aid in the
diagnosis of disease
White Blood Cell (WBC) Count
Determination of the number of
leukocytes (white blood cells) in the
blood, measured in percentages of the
different types of white blood cells
(neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils,
lymphocytes and monocytes)