Appendix 1 Part 1: Body systems terminology Flashcards
Widening of anarttry caused by arterial wall weakness
Chest pain
Abnormal Rhythm
Hardening of the arteries
Congestive heart failure
Inability of heart to pump required amount of blood
rapid, irregular, involuntary muscle contraction
Rapid, usually regular, abnormal muscle contraction
High blood pressure
Myocardial infarction
Death of heart muscle
Pulmonary edema
Abnormal collection of fluid in the lungs
Symptoms related to poor oxygen supply to tissues and poor return of blood to the heart
X-ray recording with contrast of blood vessels
Cardiac catheterization
Introducing a catheter into a vessel measure pressure and flow patterns of blood
Doppler ultrasound
Measuring blood flow in vessels via sound waves
Images of the heart via sound waves or echos
Recording electricity flowing through the heart
Holter monitor
Monitor used to detect abnormal heart rhythms
Lipid tests (LAB)
Measures cholesterol and triglyceride blood levels
Lipoprotein tests (LAB)
Measures blood high density and low density lipoproteins
Magnetic resonance imagine (MRI)
Producing an image by beaming magnetic waves
Positron Emission tomography (PET Scan)
radioactive chemicals injected into the blood stream to show blood flow and functional activity
Serum enzyme tests
Measures enzyme blood levels
Stress test
An ECG, blood pressure, and heart rate measurements to show cardiac response during exercise
Cardiac catheter ablation
Flexible tube is threaded through blood vessels into heart to destroy tissue that causes arrhythmias
Brief discharges of electricity though the chest to stop an arrhythmia
Coronary artery bypass graft(CABG)
Vessels from chest, arms, or legs used to reroute coronary blood flow
Higher voltage discharges of electricity through the chest to stop an arrhythmia
Surgical removal of the innermost lining of an artery to remove fatty deposits of clots
Heart transplant
Donor heart is transferred to a recipient
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
Balloon tipped catheter that compresses fatty deposits to open artery
Thrombolytic therapy
Medications are injected into the bloodstream to dissolve clots
abnormal condition of gallstones
chronic degenerative liver cell disease
Colonic polyposis
condition where plus protrude from the mucous membrane lining the colon
inflammation or infection within the diverticula
a condition of abnormal small pouches or sacs in the wall of the intestine
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
Backflow of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus
Inflammation of the liver
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Inflammation of the lat proton of the ileum or inflammation of the colon
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Signs and symptoms are cramping, abdominal bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. The cause is unknown
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Cancer of the liver (primarily)
High level of bilirubin in blood ( yellow product as a result of hemoglobin breakdown)
Yellow-orange coloration of the skin and other tissues from high levels of bilirubin
Abdominal computed tomography (CT)
A series of cross-sectional x-ray images of abdominal organs
Abdominal magnetic resonance imagine (MRI)
Magnetic and radio waves to create images of abdominal organs and tissues
Abdominal ultrasound
using sound waves to create images of abdominal organs
Barium tests (Lower GI)
Barium is used to take x-ray images of the digestive tract
x-ray exam of the bile ducts
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
visual examination of the GI tract with an endoscope
Hemoccult test
test for detecting blood in feces
Liver function tests
Measures liver enzyme blood levels
Stool culture
fecal material is placed in a growth medium to test for presence of microorganisms
surgical creation of an opening between 2 GI tracts
surgical creation of a new opening in the colon to outside the body
Laparoscopic surgery
Removal of organs and tissues via laparoscope
enlargement of extremities caused by hyper-secretion from pituitary gland after puberty
Cushing syndrome
Clinical features produced by excess secretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex (obesity)
Diabetes mellitus
disorder of the pancreas causing an increase in blood glucose
enlargement of thyroid gland
overactivity of the thyroid gland; also called graves disease or exophthalmic goiter
fasting glucose test
measuring blood glucose levels in someone who hasn’t eaten
serum test
measuring hormone electrolytes and glucose levels in blood
Urine test
measuring hormone electrolytes and glucose levels in the urine
thyroid function tests
measuring levels of thyroxine, thilodothyronine and thyroid stimulating hormone in the blood