AP Chem. Ch.8-9 Flashcards
Driving force among all types of bonding?
Which are the three basic types of bonds?
- electrostatic attractions between ions
- metal w/ nonmetal
Ionic bond
- sharing of electrons
- nonmetal w/ nonmetal
Covalent bond
-metal atoms bonded to several other atoms
Metal w/ metal
All chemical bonds form b/c the electron-proton attraction _______ the potential energy of the system as the bond forms
Balance between the attractiobs of the oppositely charged particles and repulsions of the like charged particles
Distance between the bonded particles
Electrons involved in bonding
Balance electrons
Where are balance electrons found?
In the incomplete, outer most shell of an atom.
Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons until they are surrounded by eight valence electrons
Octet rule
Which subshells does an octet consist of?
S^2, P^6 subshells
- Energy required to completely separate a mole of a solid ionic compound into its gaseous ions.
- increases with the CHARGE on the ions.
- increases w/ the DECREASING SIZE of ions.
Lattice energy
What 2 factors affect lattice energy??
Charge and size
Thermodynamic cycle that analyzes lattice energy precisely.
Born-harber cycle
Three electrostatic interactions in covalent bonds:
- Attraction between electrons and nuclei
- repulsions between electrons
- repulsions between nuclei
Sharing of 1 pair of e- bettwen atoms.
Single covalent bond
Pair of electrons that is not being shared.
Unshared pair
Which atoms can form multiple bonds??
C, N, O, S
Sharing of 2 pairs of e- between atoms.
Double covalent bond
Aharing of 3 pairs of electrons between atoms.
Triple covalent bond