AOS 2 learning Flashcards
what is a memory and what analogy did hebb use
70 years ago Donald Hebb proposed that a memory is a group of neurons that form a neural pathway. the memory is like a company and the neurons are like the workers.
What was Hebb rule
Neurons that fire together wire together, so he thought that as a signal is sent across a synaptic gap it changes the structure of the synapse changes leading to communications being faster
What is neural plasticity and what are the two types
this can be the growth of a synapse when something is learned (long term potentiation) or weakening of a synaptic connection when memory is longer recalled
what is Long term Potentiation and what neurotransmitter contributes to it.
this is the strengthening of a neural connection or pathway, three factors influence this having more dendrites, more axon terminals and more nuero transmitter, this means that a signal is stronger, faster and more likely for the signal to be detected. this is mainly created through the use of Glutamate.
What is long term Depression and what neurotransmitter affects it.
this is the weakening of a neural connection or pathway, three factors influence this having less dendrites, more axon terminals and less nuero transmitter glutamat, this means that a signal is weaker, slower and less likely for the signal to be detected.
What is a neurohormone
a neurohormone is manufactured by neurons and excreted by the axon terminal into capillaries and then absorbed into the bloodstream then transported to their target neurons or cells, often these are slow acting.
what are the similarities and differences between neurotransmitters and neurohormones.
they are both chemical messages and are excreted by axon terminals however neurotransmitters and released into the synaptic cleft while hormones are secreted into the bloodstream
What is consolidation and how do we know this
Consolidation is the biological process of making a newly formed memory stable. Time is required after learning takes place to enable the new info to consolidate (‘set’) as durable long-term memory. this take 30 mins, we know this because shock therapy patients can’t remember 30 mins before the therapy
what are Emotionally arousing experiences
Emotionally arousing experiences are events that induce stress, often these are strong vivid memories, the stronger the emotion the more vivid the memory,
What makes a emotionally arousing memory
there are five steps after a emotionally arousing experience, first adrenaline is release, that cause noradrenaline, witch activates the amygdala, that triggers the hippocampus, witch finally encodes and stores the emotional memory.
what is learning
It is a relatively permanent change in behaviour due to and experience. learning is a ongoing life long process.
what is conditioning
a condition is any learned response, this can be classical or operant.
what is classical conditioning
it is a learned response when two stimuli are repetitively paired until a response first elicited by the second stimuli is eventually elicited by the first stimuli.
Who found classical conditioning and how
it was ivan pavlov in 1899 when he was experimenting on the digestive systems of dogs. he found that dogs started to salivated before the food was placed in their mouth and that they were anticipating the food at the sight and sound of the lab technicians
what was ivan pavlov’s experiment
he tested classical conditioning and he experiment on dogs, first he attached measuring cylinders to the dog salivation glands then rang a bell and he fed the dogs some food, he repeated this many times over until the dog began to salivate at only the sound of the bell. later he took the food away, and tested if the conditioning was perminate witch it wasn’t, then he gave them food again to see if they would begin salivating again.
look at the table about the different stimulus’s in your book (pavlov classical Conditioning)
what are the three stages of classical conditioning
before conditioning where the neutral stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is presented. during conditioning when the neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are repeatedly paired. after conditioning when the neutral stimulus causes the conditioned response and it becomes the conditioned stimulus
what are the three stages of classical conditioning explain with relation to pavlov’s experiments
before conditioning, the bell is rung and the food is presented witch causes salivation. during conditioning, the bell is rung half a second before the food is presented witch causes salivation. after conditioning the bell is rung and the dog salivates
what is stimulus discrimination
When the person or animal only has a conditioned response to the conditioned stimulus but not to similar stimuli.
What is stimulus generalisation
when the person or animal produces a conditioned response to stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus
What is extinction
when the person or animal decreases the strength of rate of the conditioned response when the unconditioned response is not present.
What is spontaneous recovery
after extinction and a rest period has taken place, spontaneous recovery is when the conditioned stimulus is reintroduced and it produces the conditioned response