Anxiety/OCD Flashcards
emotional response to a specific and proximal threat
uture oriented, apprehension or dread of an uncertain outcome
thoughts and images centering on adverse outcomes that engender negative affect and are relatively uncontrollable
normal response to stress; adaptive processes that maintains homeostasis through the production of various brain and peripheral stress-related chemicals
Generalized Anxiety Disorders:
characterized by unwarranted, enduring anxiety across life situation, especially those in which the individual feels a lack of control.
Social Anxiety Disorder:
Marked or intense fear of social situations in which the individual feels scrutinized and negatively evaluated by others; generalized or specific
Panic Disorder:
repeated episodes of panic; abrupt surges of intense fear or discomfort that peak within minutes and are associated with multiple key physical and cognitive symptoms; accompanied by fear of dying because their symptoms mimic those of a heart attack.
fear of certain environments such as open spaces, public transportation, crowded spaces. Occurs with panic disorder and leads to avoidance behaviours.
Specific Phobia:
fear of certain environments such as open spaces, public transportation, crowded spaces. Occurs with panic disorder and leads to avoidance behaviours.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
characterized by severe obsessions (repetitive, intrusive thoughts), compulsions (repetitive, ritualistic behaviours), or both.
Hoarding Disorder:
excessive acquisition of and inability or unwillingness to discard material possessions
Amygdala’s Roll in Anxiety Disorders
activated when an individual is confronted with a fearful situation; increased blood flow
Panicogenic Substances:
substances that produce panic attacks; stimulants and caffeine