anxiety DOs Flashcards
subtypes of phobias
animal, natural environment, blood-injection injury, situation, and other
comorbidity of GAD and MDD
time requirement for specific phobia
6 mo
meds that can cause anxiety
amphetamines appetite suppressants albuterol caffeine cocaine decongestants other stimulants
medical conditions that cause anxiety
adrenal tumors chronic ETOH use DO hypoglycemia hyperthyroidism cushing disease arrhythmias parathyroid disorders seizures
time required for buspar efficacy comparable to benzos
4 weeks
short acting benzos
alprazolam, midazolam, oxazepam, triazolam
medium to longer acting benzos
chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, flurazepam, lorazepam
at least 2: public transporation, open spaces, enclosed spaces, a crowd or line, outside the home alone
FDA approved for social phobia
paroxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine LA
1 mg alprazolam = _ mg lorazepam
1 mg alprazolam=1mg clonazepam
=10mg diazepam
=50mg chlordiazepoxide
=30mg phenobarbital
social phobia risk factors
not exposed to social situations
having parents who are controlling/overprotective
being exposed to traumatic social situations
seeing others experience a traumatic social situation
1st line treatment of anxiety DOs
GAD diagnosis
constant worry for 6 mo plus 3/6 somatic sx: restlessness fatigue poor concentration irriatbility muscle tension sleep disturbance
5% lifetime prevalence
brain effect of GAD
larger amygdala volume.
part of limbic system, plays role in anxiety, fear, anger, violence
lesion- kluver bucy syndrome: behavioral and emotional symptoms like hypersexuality, hyperorality, hyperphagia