Anxiety Flashcards
Describe the nature of stress and anxiety and how they are measured Identify major sources of anxiety and stress Explain how and why stress and anxiety affects performance
What is the definition of anxiety?
A negative emotional state characterised by nervousness, worry and apprehension and associated with activation or arousal of the body
What is cognitive anxiety and give 3 examples:
Cognitive anxiety is mental consequences of anxiety.
- Negative thoughts
- Worries
- Self doubt
- Negative images
- Difficulty concentrating
What is somatic anxiety and give 3 examples?
Somatic anxiety is physical consequences of anxiety.
- Butterflies
- Shaky hands
- Tense
- Dry mouth
- Yawning
- Urinating lots
What is a trait?
A trait is a more general, personality perception
What is a state?
A ever changing emotional response to a situation - people tend to get themselves into these
How do you measure anxiety?
Self - report questionnaire
What 3 components are measured in a sport specific anxiety scale?
Cognitive anxiety
Somatic anxiety
Self - confidence
What is the definition of stress?
A substantial imbalance between demand and response capability, under conditions where failure to meet that demand has important consequences
What are the 2 types of stress?
Acute - short lived
Chronic - 6+ months
What are the 4 stages of stress?
- Environmental demand
- Individual’s perception of the environmental demand (threat)
- Stress response (arousal)
- Behavioural consequences
How can you measure stress biologically?
Take blood/saliva/urine samples - acute
Take hair samples - chronic
How can you measure stress socially?
Questionnaires and focus groups
What is the inverted U hypothesis theory?
Each individual has an optimal level of arousal/anxiety which leads to peak performance
What is the drive theory?
There is a proportional correlation between performance and anxiety in front of an audience.
What are the individualised zones of optimal functioning theory?
Each individual is different and has their own IZOF
What is the multi-dimensional anxiety theory?
Optimal levels for somatic and cognitive anxiety may differ
What is the catastrophe phenomenon theory?
As cognitive anxiety increases, so does arousal. If anxiety is too high performances decrease therefore you can control it to control performance. Cognitive and somatic anxiety interact
What is the direction and intensity theory?
Intensity and interpretation of anxiety symptoms are important - different methods to train anxiety
What are the 3 effects of anxiety and stress?
Affective, behavioural and cognitive
Define sport and exercise psychology?
The scientific study of people and their behaviours in sport and exercise activities and the practical application of that knowledge