Antidysrhythmics IV unPines Flashcards
action of antidysrhythmic drugs
depress contractility, excitability and automaticity; block adrenergic (sympathetic) simulation; incrase repolarization (phase to move to refractory/rest phase)
define action potential
when there is movement of Na and K across cell membrane that causes depolarization/contraction
define refractory phase
resting state; phase 4 of action potential; cell CANNOT respond to new stimulus; K is inside and Na is outside once again
define automaticity
electrical impulse formation
define excitability or irritability
cell CAN respond to stimulus
define depolarization
muscle activated; contraction starts; systole to eject blood; Na rushing inside and Ca joined in, while K moving outside; phase starts at 0
define repolarization
movement towards refractory/resting phase; K is completely out now; phase starts at 1 and plateaus at phase 2 and continues to phase 3 of action potential
the phase between repolarization and refractory phase?
phase 3; magnesium activates the Na-K pump to fascilitate the movement of K back into the cell; Na and Ca move out; when complete, refractory phase 4 has been reached.
define refractory phase
resting state; diastole to fill in with blood; phase 4 of action potential; cell CANNOT respond to new stimulus; K is inside and Na is outside once again
class IV Calcium Channel blockers do this
block movement of Calcium into cell (no conduction or contraction); decrease automaticity/elecrical formation; slow conduction and prolong refractory/rest period
back it up! action of calcium channel blocker as antianginal
vasodilation of coronary and peripheral vessels to aleviate angina and decrease BP; decrease contractility/workload/O2 need
2 examples of antidysrhythmic class IV calcium channel blockers
diltiazem and verapamil (don’t have “PINE” in it; but it’s still a calcium channel blocker)
class IV calcium channel blockers indication
SUPRAVENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA (HR 100-300 bpm) aka PSVT; dysrhythmia originate from foci above the bifurcation of Bundle of His (could be AV or SA node problem); A. Fib/Flutter; tachycardia on exertion
class IV Calcium Channel blockers contraindication
DIGITALIS TOXICITY; caution with renal and hepatic impairment
class IV calcium channel blocker route
IV; do NOT give verapamil with propanolol in same IV
class IV calcium channel blocker drug interaction
simvastatin zocor d/t rhabdomyolysis potentiated
calcium channel blocker food interaction
DON’T EAT GRAPEFRUIT; can make BP go up/down
how to quit taking calcium channel blockers
taper off doses
MD ordered BB and CCB. Pt BP is low, hold which?
hold the calcium channel blocker r/t action affecting VASODILATION
monitor what with diltiazem
kidney funtion
monitor what with verapamil
s/e BLE edema, constipation, dizziness, HA, hypotension
monitor what s/e
dizziness, HA, constipation, kidney, liver