Anterior Triangle of the Neck Flashcards
anterior triangle separated into 4 smaller triangles by
the digastric and omohyoid muscles
muscular triangle boundries
the midline of the neck, superior belly of omohyoid, and the SCM
carotid triangle boundries
the superior belly of omohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, and the SCM
submandibular triangle
bounded by anterior and posterior bellies of digastric, inferior border of mandible
contains the submandibular gland
submental triangle
bounded by anterior bellies of digastric and hyoid bone
muscular triangle contents
contains the infrahyoid muscles
superficial layer
- sternohyoid
-omohyoid (superior and inferior belly)
deep layer
- sternothyroid
muscles depress the hyoid bone
innervated by the ansa cervicalis (except the thyrohyoid)
thyrohyoid innervation
n to thyrojoid (C1)
submandibular triangle contents
Suprahyoid muscles
digastric muscle (anterior and posterior belly)
stylohyoid (CN VII)
mylohyoid (CN V3)
facial artery and vien
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
submandibular lymph nodes
submandibular gland
anterior belly of digastric innervation
CN V(3)
posterior belly of digastric innervation
submandibular gland
salivary gland
facial artery and vein are closely associated with it
surrounded by investing layer of deep cervical fascia
Carotid Triangle contents
common carotid artery (dividing into internal and external)
internal jugular vein
vagus nerve
ansa cervicalis
deep cervical lymph nodes
carotid sheath
contains the common and internal carotid arteries
internal jugular vein
vagus nerve
deep cervical lymph nodes
right common cartoid arteries come from
the brachiocephalic trunk
left common cartoid arteries come from
the aortic arch
common cartoid branches into
external carotid (supplies the neck and face) and internal carotid (no branches in the neck)
carotid sinus
sensory structure that monitors BP (baroreceptor)
innervation from carotid sinus nerve (branch of CN IX)
carotid body
sensory structure that monitors O2 - chemoreceptor
innervation from carotid sinus nerve (branch of CN IX)
Anterior branches of the external carotid artery
superior thyroid artery
lingual artery
facial artery
posterior branches of the external carotid artery
ascending pharyngeal a
occipital a
posterior auricular a
terminal branches of the external carotid artery
maxillary a
superficial temporal a
inferior to superior external carotid artery
superior thyroid
ascending pharyngeal
facial a
posterior auricular
maxially a
superifical temporal a
internal jugular vein
joins with subclavian to make the brachiocephalic vein
recieves blood from brain, anterior face, cervical viscera, and deep muscles of the neck
emerges through jular foramen
lateral to carotid arteries in carotid sheath
ansa cervicalis
anterior to carotid sheath
superior root carried by hypoglossal n (CN XII)
inferior root comes from C2 and C3
innervates 3 infrahyoid muscles
Vagus nerve branches into
superior laryngeal nerve (branches)
and recurrent laryngeal nerve (supplies intrinsic laryngeal muscles
superior laryngeal nerve divides into
internal laryngeal n - piececes thyrhyoid membrane - is sensory
external laryngeal n - travels with superior thyroid artery - motor to inferior pharyngeal constrictor and cricothyroid
viscera of neck enclosed by
pretracheal layer of deep fascia
thyroid gland
endocrine gland - releases thyroid hormone and calcitonin
2 lobes and isthmus
pyramidal lobe - is an embryonic remnant
blood supply to the thyroid
superior thyroid artery (from external carotid)
inferior thyroid artery (from subclavian)
some of the population has a thyroid ima artery from the brachiocephalic trunk
venous drainage of thyroid
superior thyroid veins and middle thyroid veins drain into internal jugular veins
inferior thyroid veins drain to brachiocephalic veins
parathyroid gland
2 pairs
superior and inferior
supplied by thyroid vessels
removal of parathyroid glands - can lead to tetany - lower serum calcium
1st part of subclavian artery (medial)
vertebral a
thryocervical trunk
internal thoracic artery
2nd part of subclavian artery (deep)
costocervical trunk
3rd part of subclavian artery (lateral)
dorsal scapular a
branches of the thryrocervical trunk
suprascapular a
transverse cervical a
ascending cervical a
inferior thyroid a
costocervical trunk branches
deep cervical a
superior(supreme) intercostal artery
external and anterior jugular veins empty into
subclavian vein
Venous angle
internal jugular vein and subclavian vein join to form brachiocephalic veins
receive lymph from thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct
lymph nodes around ijv
deep cervical lymph nodes
supraclavicular nodes
inferior group of deep cervical nodes
final filter from head and neck
virchow’s nodes
left supraclavicular node
enlargement could indicate metasis from ab cavity
nerves in the root of the neck
vagus nerve
recurrent laryngeal nerves
phrenic nerves
sympathetic trunk
right recurrent laryngeal nerve
loops around right subclavian artery
left recurrent laryngeal nerve
loops under arch of aorta
Superior cervical ganglia
at C1-C2
last place where preganglionic are able to sympase
post ganglion travel on periarterial things
middle cervical ganglia
at C6
inferior cervical ganglia
contains the cervicthoraic ganglion
cervical sympathetic ganglia
no white rami
only gray rami communicans
contains cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves (post ganglionic symp)