Anterior/Posterior Forearm and Joints of the Forearm, Wrist, Hand Flashcards
how are compartments seperated
fascia, bones and interosseous membrane
anterior compartment
flexors and pronators
posterior compartment
extensors and supinatiors
deep fascias
antebrachial fascia
interosseous membrane
antebrachial fascia
continuous w/ brachial fascia
covers over all muscles under the skin like a sleeve
different antebrachial fascia
extensor reticulum
palmar carpal ligament
flexor reticulum
extensor reticulum
holds down the extensor tendons
palmar carpal ligament
continuous of extensor retinaculum
palmar side (anterior)
holds down tendons
flexor reticulum
distal to PCL
not continuous w/ extensor retinaculum
creates carpal tunnel (roof)
runs in b/w hood of hamate and pisiform
interosseous membrane
thin, strong, fibrous membrane
holds the radius and ulna together
helps create anterior compartment
tendon (synovial) sheath
surround all tendons that pass underneath the extensor/flexor retinaculum
reduce friction
connect the forearm and the hand
where would infection most likely occur and spread
tendon (synovial) sheaths
infection can travel from the hand to the forearm easily
assists in the spread of infection
how many carpal bones are there
carpal bones
give flexibility to the wrist
convex posteriorly, concave anteriorly
allow the ability to grasp around spherical objects
acronym for carpal bones
Some Lovers Try Positions They Can’t Handle
proximal row of carpal bones lateral to medial
distal row of carpal bones lateral to medial
proximal carpals articulate w/ articular disc of radiocarpal joint
distal carpals articulate w/ metacarpals
forms the skeleton of the palm of the hand b/w the carpus and the phalanges
how many metacarpals are there
5 on each hand
parts of metacarpal
proximal articulation of metacarpal
bases articulate w/ carpal bones
distal articulation of metacarpals
heads articulate with the proximal phalanges
form knuckles
surfaces and landmarks of 1st metacarpal
thickest and shortest
surfaces and landmarks of 3rd metacarpal
distinguished by a styloid process on the lateral side of its base
how many phalanges are there
5 on each hand
parts of the phalanges
3 parts
base (proximal)
body (middle)
head (distal)
how many parts does the thumb have
2 phalanges
distal and proximal
articulations of phalanges
metacarpophalangeal joint
proximal interphalangeal joint
distal interphalangeal joint
thumb only has ___________ joint
surfaces and landmarks of proximal phalanges
the largest part
S&L of middle phalanges
intermediate size
S&L of distal phalanges
smallest part
S&L of terminal phalanges
flattened and expanded at their distal ends
parts of the anterior compartment
superficial and deep groups
anterior compartment
innervated by median nerve (mostly)
what are the exceptions of innervation of anterior compartment
flexor carpi ulnaris
ulnar half of flexor digitorum profundus
innervated by ulnar nerve
superficial group of anterior compartment
have common origins
run lateral to more medial
muscles in the anterior compartment
pronator teres
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
flexor carpi ulnaris
flexor carpi digitorum superficialis
origin pronator teres
humeral head: medial epicondyle of humerus
ulnar head: coronoid process
insertion of pronator teres
lateral radius (distal to supinator insertion)
innervation of pronator teres
median nerve (C6-C7)
travels b/w ulnar and radial head of muscle
action of pronator teres
forearm pronation
weak elbow flexor
flexor carpi radialis origin
medial epicondyle of humerus
flexor carpi radialis insertion
base of 2nd metacarpal
flexor carpi radialis innervation
median nerve (C6-C7)
action of flexor carpi radialis
wrist flexion
ABD (radial deviation) of hand
palmaris longus origin
medial epicondyle of humerus
palmaris longus insertion
palmar aponeurosis
palmaris longus innervation
median nerve (C6-C7)
palmaris longus action
wrist flexion tightens palmar aponeurosis
weak elbow flexion
flexor carpi ulnaris origin
humeral head: medial epicondyle
ulnar head: olecranon
flexor carpi ulnaris insertion
hook of hamate
base of 5th metacarpal
flexor carpi ulnaris innervation
ulnar nerve (C7-T1)
flexor carpi ulnaris action
wrist flexion
ADD of hand (ulnar deviation)
flexor digitorum superficialis
is intermediate
flexor digitorum superificialis origins
humeral head: medial epicondyle
ulnar head: coronoid process
flexor digitorum superificialis insertion
sides of middle phalanges of 2-5 digits
flexor digitorum superficialis innervation
median nerve (C8, T1)
flexor digitorum superficialis action
flexion of wrist
flexion of MCP joint
flexion of PIP joints of 2-5 digits
weak elbow flexor
what passes through the two heads of flexor digitorum superificialis
median and ulnar nerves
deep group of anterior compartment
flexor digitorum profundus
flexor pollicis longus
pronator quadratus
flexor digitorum profundus origin
ulna (2/3s of flexor surface)
interosseous membrane
flexor digitorum profundus insertion
distal phalanges of 2-5 digits (palmar surface)
flexor digitorum profundus innervation
median nerve (C8,T1)
ulnar half by ulnar nerve (C8,T1)
flexor digitorum profundus action
flexion of wrist, MCP, PIP, DIP of 2-5 digits
flexor pollicis longus origin
radius (mid anterior surface)
adjacent interosseous membrane
flexor pollicis longus insertion
distal phalanx of thumb (palmar surface)