Anterior Forearm Muscles Flashcards
Pronator Teres
PA: medial epicondyle, medial side of coronoid process on ulna
DA: midpoint of lateral radial shaft
N: median nerve c6-7
A: pronation of forearm, elbow flexion
Pronator Quadratus
PA: anterior distal surface of ulna
DA: anterior distal surface of radius
N: AIN c8-T1
A: pronation of forearm
Flexor Carpi Radialis
PA: common flexor tendon on medial epicondyle of humerus
DA: palmar base of 2nd and 3rd MC
N: median nerve c6-7
A: flex and radial deviate wrist, weak elbow flexor
Palmaris Longus
PA: common flexor tendon on medial epicondyle
DA: palmar aponeurosis and flexor retinaculum
N: median c7-8
A: weak wrist and elbow flexor, tightens aponeurosis
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: humeral head
PA: common flexor tendon of medial epicondyle
DA: pisiform, hook of hamate and palmar base of 5th MC
N: Ulnar c7-8
A: flex and ulnar deviate wrist, weak elbow flexor
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris: Ulnar head
PA: medial border olecraon, and posterior border ulna
DA: pisiform, hook of hamate and palmar base of 5th MC
N: Ulnar c7-8
A: flex and ulnar deviate wrist, weak elbow flexor
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis: humeroulnar head
PA: common flexor tendon on medial epicondyle and coronoid process
DA: side of shafts of middle phalanges 2-5
N: median c7-T1
A: flex PIP, MCP 2-5 and weak wrist and elbow flexion
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis: radial head
PA: superior half on anterior radius
DA: side of shafts of middle phalanges 2-5
N: median c7-T1
A: flex PIP, MCP 2-5 and weak wrist and elbow flexion
Flexor digitorum profundus: lateral
PA: proximal 3/4 anterior medial ulnar surface, IO
DA: base of distal phalanx 2-3
N: AIN c8-T1
A: flex DIP, PIP, MCP 2-3
Flexor Digitorum profundus: medial
PA: proximal 3/4 anterior medial ulnar surface, IO
DA: base of distal phalanx 4-5
N: Ulnar c8-T1
A: flex DIP, PIP, MCP 4-5
Flexor pollicis longus
PA: middle anterior surface radius and IO
DA: anterior base of distal phalanx of thumb
N: AIN c8-T1
A: flex MCP, CMC, IP of thumb