Anterior Esthetics Flashcards
Overall esthetic impact of a smile can be divided into 4 areas :
Microesthetics, macroesthetics, gingival esthetics, facial, esthetics
What is the esthetic zone
Anterosuperior teeth from canine to canine with dominance of central incisors
Why are lower anterior teeth not as important as maxillary for esthetics
One in Israel edge is seen in normal view even though initial edge is lingual to root axis line
Dental components of the smile:
Size, shape, color, alignment, crown angulation of teeth
Midline, arch symmetry
Microesthetics involves the elements that make ______
Teeth look like actual teeth
Correct anatomy (lose and labial depressions) and correct line angle development will provide ____ looking and ________ surfaces
Very natural, light reflecting
_____ can be placed strategical to change how light reflexes off the tooth
Line angles
The teeth will appear ___ if the mesiofacial and distofacial line angles are moved towards the center of the tooth
If they are placed wider?
Shorter & wider
Common mistakes in Microesthetics
Improper heights of contour and line angle development
The maxillary central incisors have an ideal width to length ratio of ?
Lateral incisor width is approx ____ width of central incisor
Rule of golden proportions
Ratios of widths of max anterior teeth =
1.6 for central, 1.0 lateral, .6 for medial half of canine
When viewed from the front, the ideal look is that the lateral is about ____ % of the central and the mesial half of canine is about _____% of lateral
***each anterior tooth is approx 60% of the size of the preceding adjacent tooth
Strict application of the rule of golden proportion may be _____, therefore clinician must determine appropriate sizes for each patient
RED rule :
(Recurring esthetic dental proportion rule)
The same ratio of tooth widths established between central and lateral incisors can be used distally when doing smile analysis
Macroesthetics represents principles when _____ are considered
Attempts to analyze the relationships and ratios between anterior teeth and _______
Groups of individual teeth
Surrounding tissue landmarks
Anatomical landmarks:
Commisure, nasolabioal groove, labiomental groove, tubercular, philtrum, vermillion border
Lips join at the
Max lip is bounded laterally by the ____ at the ______ and superiorly by the ____
Cheeks, nasolabial groove, nose
Mand lip is bounded laterally by the ___ and inferiority by the _____
Cheeks, labiomental groove
Upper lip has a small rounded nodule of tissue in the center of its lower part called the
Skin superior to the tubercle has a broad depression running from the tubercle toward the center of the nose called a
Base of this is called the
Cupids bow
_______ is the red zone of the lips
This is really a transitional zone between the ____ and the ______ of the mouth
Vermillion border
Skin of the face, mucous membrane of the mouth
The vermillion border is bounded externally by the ?
Internally by the ?
On face by mucocutaneous junction
Wet/dry line of lips
Where are the incisal edges of max incisors in comparison to the tips of the canine to achieve the “ideal” look?
What shape is the ideal smile
Line is inline with lower lips
Factors that effect dental esthetics
Pattern of silhouetting created by edged and incisal embrasures of anterior teeth
Size and volume of incisal embrasures
Embrasure spaces are only present when
Adjacent teeth touch
Tooth reveal is a term for
Tooth reveal depends on
The amount of tooth structure and or gingival that shows up in various views and lip positions
Function and individual facial expression
The places in which anterior teeth APPEAR to touch is the
Connector space
The ideal connector zone between central incisors is ?
Between max lateral and central ?
Between canine and max lateral?
50% length of central incisor
40% length of central incisor
30% length of central incisor
Gingival esthetics refers to
Gingival exposure and symmetry
Facial midline is a
Line drawn from nasion to the base of the philtrum
The dental midline should be ________ and ______ to the facial midline
It is more important that the _______ be ____ to the facial midline
As close as possible, parallel
Max central incisors, parallel
The horizontal positions of the max central incisors should correspond to the facial midline as indicated by the
Inter pupillary line
**perpendicular to
Peg lateral refers to
An anomaly affecting the upper lateral incisors which causes these teeth to be abnormally small in size