Antenatal Appointments Flashcards
8-12 weeks
Booking Appointment (Pre-eclampsia, Diabetes Mellitus, Gest. DM, Rhesus, Anaemias, HBV, HIV, rubella, syphilis)
Up to 10 weeks
Blood test for Sickle Cell/Thalassemia
10 - 14 weeks
Combined test (blood and scan) for Down’s, Edward’s and Patau’s. Nuchal translucency, PAPP-A down, bHCG up assoc w/ Down’s
15 weeks
Amniocentesis to detect for Down’s
14 - 20 weeks
Quadruple test (blood) for Down’s (bHCG, Oestriol E3, AFP, Inhibin A)
18 - 20 weeks
Anomaly scan (structural foetal anomalies)
Blood test for syphilips/HIV/Hep B
Offered from 8 weeks –> birth
Folic Acid
Advised to take 400mcg before and first 12 weeks of pregnancy
16 - 32 weeks
Whooping cough vaccine (DtaP/IPV)
Flu vaccine
Offered if pregnant September - January
Offered 15 weeks onwards
Small needle
1% risk of miscarriage
Chorionic villus sampling
11 weeks onwards
Big needle
2 - 3% miscarriage risk
Health Literacy
Ability to understand and use information that promotes good health
Screening test
A test to identify asymptomatic, healthy individuals to detect genetic predispositions or early signs of debilitating or life-threatening conditions
Diagnostic test
Test to confirm that a person has a disease or is free from the disease
The number of individuals in a population with the target condition
The ability of a test to correctly identify those WITH the disease (true positive rate)
The ability of a test to correctly identify those who do NOT have the disease (true negative rate)
False positive
Referred but has no condition
False negative
Not referred but has the condition
When is the Booking Appointment?
8-12 weeks
When can the blood test for sickle cell/thalassemia be done?
Up to 10 weeks
When can the combined test for Down’s, Edward’s and Patau’s be done?
10 - 14 weeks
When can amniocentesis be done?
15 weeks
When can the Quadruple blood test for Down’s be done?
14 - 20 weeks
When can the Anomaly scan be done?
18 - 20 weeks
When can the blood test for syphilis/HIV/Hep B be done?
Offered from 8 weeks until birth
When can the Whooping Cough vaccine be given?
16 - 32 weeks
What are the Wilson-Junger criteria for screening?
Important health problem
Acceptable treatment for the recognised disease
Treatment and diagnostic facilities should be available
Recognisable at an early stage of symptoms (latent and symptomatic stage)
Opinions on who to treat must be agreed
Guaranteed safety - suitable test/examination
Examination/test must be suitable to the population
Natural history of the condition must be understood
Inexpensive test, economically balanced w/ overall health
Continuous screening process, not a one-off
Fertilisation to implantation
Week 1
Bilaminar disc formation
Week 2
Week 3
Week 3 - 8
Foetal period
Week 8 - birth
Embryology: Week 1
fertilisation to implantation
Embryology: Week 2
bilaminar disc formation
Embryology: Week 3
Embryology: Weeks 3 - 8
Embryology: Week 8 - birth
foetal period