Anomalies in Polyhydramnios 2 Flashcards
A cystic hygroma is also known as?
cavernous lymphangioma
Sonographic appearance of a cystic hygroma
large cystic (fluid-filled) mass
80% of cystic hygromas are located where?
cervical region; posterior to head and neck
Cystic hygromas are associated with?
Turner syndrome
Sonographic appearance of bronchogenic cysts
isolated cysts within thorax; mediastinum and lung parenchyma
Bronchopulmonary sequestration
separate area of lung tissue; does not communicate with other lung tissue
What is the most common type of bronchopulmonary sequestration?
A bronchopulmonary sequestration gets blood supply from the?
thoracic aorta
True or False: Bronchopulmonary sequestration is usually bilateral
False; unilateral
Sonographic appearance of bronchopulmonary sequestration
Echogenic piece of lung tissue
What is the most common tumor on a baby’s heart?
Benign tumor of a myocardium
Rhabdomyomas are associated with?
tuberous sclerosis
Sonographic appearance of a rhabdomyoma
round, echogenic, homogenous mass
True of False: Atrial myxomas only occur in adults
Where are atrial myxomas most commonly located?
left atrium
Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation (CPAM) is also known as?
Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lungs (CCAM or CCAML)
CPAM Type I characteristics
Large cysts in lungs
Small cysts in lungs
CPAM Type III characteristics
solid, echogenic lungs
Which type of CPAM has the best prognosis?
Type I
Which type of CPAM is most common?
Type I
Which type of CPAM is most fatal?
Type II and III
Diaphragmatic hernia
stomach herniates into chest or heart herniates into abdomen
On which side is a diaphragmatic hernia more common?
A diaphragmatic hernia on the left side is known as?
hernia of Bochdalek
Sonographic findings of a diaphragmatic hernia
small abdominal circumference, heart and stomach seen on same plane
Ectopia cordis
ectopic heart; located outside of chest
Pentalogy of Cantrell
abdominal wall defect, diaphragmatic hernia, lower sternal cleft, ectopia cordis, VSD
Most common defects seen from the Pentalogy of Cantrell
abdominal wall defect (omphalocele) and ectopia cordis
Hydrops fetalis
abnormal interstitial accumulation of fluid
Immune fetal hydrops
caused by Rh antibodies in maternal circulation that destroy the fetal RBCs
Nonimmune fetal hydrops
results from infection or TORCHS
True or False: Sonography can differentiate between immune and nonimmune hydrops
Pericardial Effusion
presence of fluid around heart inside pericardium
Pleural Effusion
Fluid collection inside pleural cavity
Pleural effusion is also called?
Coarctation of the aorta
stenosis of the aorta
Coarctation of the aorta causes what heart anomalies?
underdeveloped left heart (atrium and ventricle)
Ebstein anomaly
thickened and flaccid tricuspid valve; incompetent and decreased mobility
Ebstein anomaly is also known as?
tricuspid dysplasia
Sonographic appearance of Ebstein anomaly
enlarged right atrium
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS)
dilatation of right ventricle and pulmonary trunk; left ventricle not visualized
HLHS is caused by?
aortic atresia or mitrial valve stenosis
Sonographic appearance of HLHS
small left ventricle only
What makes a atrial septal defect hard to diagnose?
foramen ovale
What is the most common congenital heart defect?
ventricular septum defect
A VSD is more common in which part of the septum?
A VSD is more commonly seen in which view?
five-chamber view
Endocardial cushion defect
walls forming the four chambers are poorly formed or absent
Endocardial cushion defect is also known as?
atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) or atrioventricular canal defect (AVCD)
Tetralogy of Fallot
VSD, overriding aorta, pulmonary stenosis, hypertrophy of right ventricle
Transposition of the Great Arteries
Aorta rises from right ventricle; pulmonary trunk rises from left ventricle
Sonographic characteristic of TGA
parallel course of both vessels in one plane with color doppler
Truncus Arteriosis
common arterial trunk arises from base of the heart that gives rise to pulmonary artery and aorta
Bronchogenic cysts are associated with?
Fetal hydrops
Perinatal death with a diaphragmatic hernia is caused by?
pulmonary hypoplasia