Anomalies in Oligohydramnios Flashcards
AFI < 5 cm; SDP < 2 cm
no amniotic fluid
Causes of oligohydramnios
Demise, Renal, IUGR, PROM
Why can oligohydramnios be fetal?
pulmonary hypoplasia
Spalding sign
overlapping of fetal skull bones caused by collapse of fetal brain
How soon can the spalding sign appear?
48 hours after death of fetus
Ectopic kidney
located outside of renal fossa
Crossed ectopic kidney
both kidneys on same side; can be fused
Horseshoe kidney
kidneys fuse together and lower pole and fuse
True or False: Horseshoe kidneys are always posterior to the aorta
False; anterior
Pelvic kidney
kidney found adjacent to bladder
Duplicated collecting system
kidney has two ureters
Renal malrotation
Renal hilum faces lateral from midline rather than medial
Potter type I is also known as?
autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
Describe Potter type I
bilateral, echogenic and enlarged kidneys; no bladder
True or False: Bilateral kidney diseases are lethal
Potter Type II is also called?
multcystic dysplastic kidney diseases (MCDKD)
Describe Potter type II
Unilateral; medium cysts
True or False: Potter type II can be bilateral
Potter type III is also called?
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD)
Describe Potter type III
bilateral; large and echogenic kidneys with multiple cysts
Which type of Potter syndrome is more common in adults?
type III
What is the most common renal abnormal finding in utero?
A ureteropelvic junction obstruction is caused by?
abnormal bend or kink in ureter
True or False: With UPJ there will be a normal bladder and normal amniotic fluid
A ureterovesical junction obstruction is caused by?
ureter defect; stenosis
UVJ can cause?
Describe Potter syndrome
bilateral renal agenesis; lethal
Appearance of Potter syndrome
pulmonary hypoplasia, no bladder, lying down sign
Describe “Potter face”
rounded forehead, flattened nose, recessed chin, prominent epocanthial folds, low set of abnormal ears
True or False: unilateral renal agenesis is more common than Potter syndrome
True or False: With unilateral renal agenesis there is no fetal bladder and decreased fluid
False; normal bladder and fluid
Posterior urethral valves can cause?
megacystis, hydroureter, and hydronephrosis
Posterior urethral valves
formation of flaps in urethra; urine unable to pass through
Posterior urethral are more common in which sex? Why?
Men; longer urethra
The keyhole sign is seen with?
posterior urethral valves (distended bladder and urethra)
What is the prune belly triad?
megacystis, atrophic abdominal wall, cryptorchidism
cystic dilation of ureter into the bladder
What is the most common urachal anomaly?
urachal cyst
What anomalies are associated with urachal cysts?
patent urachus, vesicourachal diverticulum, urachal sinus
What becomes the urachus?
Meckel-Gruber syndrome is associated with which anomalies?
occipital encephalocele, infantile polycystic kidneys, oligohydramnios, polydactyly
IUGR results from?
insufficient fetal nutriton
Which organ is most affected by IUGR?
AC is ______ with IUGR
Symmetric IUGR
fetal growth abnormality resulting in a proportionally small fetus
What is the most common type of growth abnormality?
Asymmetric IUGR
How does asymmetric fetal growth appear?
normal cranial growth, small AC
Fetal macrosomia
fetus is large for GA
Fetal macrosomia is associated with which maternal factors?
diabetes mellitus, obesity
Fetal macrosomia sonographic appearance
large AC, decreased HC/AC ratio, EFW > 4000 g, polyhydramnios, placentomegaly
What is the most common cause of oligohydramnios?
5 parameters of BPP
fetal movement, fetal tone, fetal breathing, non-stress test, AFI