Main characteristics of phylum chordata
- dueterostome
- notochrod (rod-like body in embryo)
- hollow dorsal nerve cord
- pharyngeal slits
- muscular tail past anus (during embryo)
- bilateral symmetry
- segmentation (similar structures e.g ribs)
characterisitcs of fish
- gills (evolved from pharyngeal slits)
- ectothermic
- aquatic
- fins
-scales - two-chambered heart
- have jaws or don’t have jaws (hagfish)
defining features of vertebrates
- vertebrae and spinal cord
- elaborate skull
- fin rays
features of jawless fish
- cartilaginous segments surrounding noto-chord
- simple hears
- hermaphroditic (sometimes)
two classes of fish
cartilagenous (chondrichthyes)
- cartilage skeleton
- no swim bladder
- 2 chamber heart
bony fish (osteichthyes)
- bone skeleton
- swim bladder
- simple systems
oviparous = eggs hatch outside mother
oviviparous = embryo develop in uterus and nourished in egg yolk
viviparous = embry develop in uterus, nourished throughplacenta yolk through mothers blood
Amphibia characteristics
- both terrestrial and aquatic
- moist skin for gas exchange
- fertilisation is external
- 3 chambered heart
- larvae undergo hormonal changes and physical effects to mature
what are amniotes
tetrapods with amniotic egg adapted to terrestrial = contains membranes to protect embryo
- amnion, chorion, yolk, allantois
- also impermeable skin
- ability to ventilate lungs
characterisitics of reptilia
- scales - waterproof
- lay shelled eggs
- terrestrial (mostly)
- ectotherms
- only one functioning lung
- no diaphragm
- 3 chambered heart (septum)
characterisitcs of birds (Aves)
- bipedal
- warm-blooded/endotherm
- feathers = keratin
- forelimbs = wings
- hollow bones*
- one ovary
- no teeth
- 4 chambered heart
- air sacs
- crop and gizzard + proventriculus
- renal portal system -> large lidneys (uric acid)
characterisitcs of mammals
- differentiated teeth
- mammary glands (nourish young)
- live young
- hair/fur
- evolved from synapsid reptiles -> created ear ossicles
- skeleton