Animal science lecture part 2 Flashcards
Non-depolarizing agents
Bind the AcH receptor and block sodium (antagonist)
Power stroke
ATP is used by myosin cross bridge to pull actin and then detach
Cross bridge cycling
When the power stock in repeated in the presence of calcium and ATP
Creatine Phosphate
Used by the muscle fiber to phosphorylate ADP to ATP
What is the benefit of doing glycolysis in the muscle fiber instead of citric acid cycle or oxidative phosphorylation?
glycolysis: fast and less oxygen used
Critic acidic and oxidative: more ATP created but slower and more oxygen is needed
2 ways that we can get oxygen
heart rate and respiration and increased myoglobin in the blood
Muscle fatigue
Decrease in muscle contraction and muscle acitivity
This can accumulate in the muscle fiber and is a byproduct of glycolysis
Lactic Acid
Lactic acid reducing muscle and blood pH is called?
What are some important points about slow twitch muscles?
Can use oxygen for ATP, more mitochondria, more myoglobin
What does type 2 rely on for oxygen
What type of neuron controls muscle contraction
motor neuron
Deplorizing agent
Ach agonist binds to the Ach receptor and saturates it so that the resting membrane potential cannot be reestablished.
Antagonist, sodium channel blocker and lose muscle contraction, animal cant breath
other types of acH antagonists
botulinum neurotoxin (limberneck disease) and curare
Smooth muscle
involuntary and non-striaited
Functions of smooth muscle
accommodation:ability to provide organs with stretch
What mechanisms are smooth muscle contraction controlled by?
the nervous system, hormones, and paracrine ligands
Single unit smooth muscle
99% of smooth muscle in the animal
-have functions in membrane potential :slow waves
multi unit smooth msucle
Found around large muscles, function on their own. each one is controlled by an individual neuron.
how to contract the smooth mucscle
phosphorylation of myosin cross-bridge
cardiac muscle
invoultary and striated
heart specific muscle cell
job of the nervous system
help the animal sense its environment
-coordinates limb movements and organ function
-animal consciousness
-animal behavior and learning
-controls some reproductive processes
Specialized cells that transmit an action potential over long distances throughout the body
glial cells
cells that support neuron function
saltatory conduction
The rapid transmission on an action protein through the neuron. The nodes can hope each sheath, making the signal transmit faster.
Nodes of ranvier
nodes in between the myelin sheath
Central nervosu system
brain, brain stem and spinal chord
peripheral nervous system types
Afferent neurons: sent information to the CNS
Efferent neurons: neurons from the CNS that influence the “effector” or target tissues