Animal Kingdom Flashcards
Cell aggregate plan
- the animal body is just an aggregation of cells with little or no coordination between them
- there are no tissues or organs
E.g. sponges
Blind-sac plan
- Cells are organised into tissues with some division of labour
- These organisms possess a digestive cavity with one opening to the outside
- The food is taken in (ingestion) and thrown out (egestion) through the same opening
E.g. Hydra (*underline)
- Animals exhibit organ system organisation
Two types:
1. Protostome type: blastopore becomes the mouth and the anus develops later from a new opening
E.g. snails, lobsters
2. Deuterostome type: blastopore becomes the anus and the mouth develops later from a new opening
E.g. star fish, sea urchins
Radially symmetrical
a cut through the axis of the body at any point gives two equal halves that are mirror images of each other
E.g. starfish
Bilaterally symmetrical
The body can be divided into two equal halves in any one plane
They have an anterior (front) and a posterior (rear) end
They have a dorsal side (upper back) and ventral side (lower belly)
E.g. all vertebrates
- In most animals an extensive body cavity is developed, which is called coelom.
- It separates the body wall from the alimentary tract
- Such animals are called coelomate
Coelom is a fluid-filled cavity between the gut and the outer body wall
An acoelomate animal has no body cavity
E.g. sponges
Animal whose body is made of only two germ layers- ectoderm and endoderm- is known as diploblastic
The animal whose body arises from three germ layers- ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm- is known as triploblastic.
animal phylum
- Porifera
- Cnidaria/ Coelentrata
- Ctenophora
- Platyhelminthes
- Nematoda/Aschelminthes
- Annelida
- Mollusca
- Arthropoda
- Echinodermata
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Phylum Porifera
- Acoelomate
- Cellular level of body organisation
- Mostly marine
- Skeleton made of spicules of spongin fibres
E.g. Sycon (underline), Chalina (underline) (Mermaids’ gloves)
Phylum Coelentrata (Cnidaria)
- Radial symmetry
- Tissue level of body organisation
- Diploblastic
- Presence of nematocysts (stinging cells) used for defence as well as offence
- They have ciliated planula larva
- Show polymorphism
E.g. Physalia (underline) (Portuguese Man of War), Hydra (underline)
Phylum Ctenophora
- Cell-tissue grade of organisation
- Diploblastic
- Cydippid larva
- Exclusively marine animals
- Exhibit bioluminescence
E.g. Ctenoplana (underline), Velamen (underline)
Phylum Platyhelminthes
- Tissue organ level of organisation
- Bilateral symmetry
- Triploblastic
- Blind sac body plan
- Excretory system includes protonephridia (flame cells)
- They are mostly hermaphrodite (bisexual)- fertilisation is internal since male reproductive system and female reproductive system are in the same organism.
E.g. Schistosoma (underline), Fasciola hepatica (underline), Tinia (*underline)
Phylum Aschelminthes (Nematoda)
- Organ system level of organisation
- Triploblastic
- Bilaterally symmetric
- Nervous system includes a nerve ring; sense organs are in the form of papillae and amphids
- They show sexual dimorphism- males are smaller than females
- They have four larval stages
E.g. Ascaris lumbricoides (underline), Wuchereria bancrofti (underline)
Phylum Annelida
- Bilateral symmetry
- Triploblastic
- Metamerically segmented
- True coelomate
- Respiration by body surface or gills
- Locomotion by chitinous setae
- Excretion by nephridia
- Nervous system has cerebral ganglion
- High power of regeneration
- Organ system of body organisation
E.g. Pheretima (underline), Hirudinaria (underline) (leech)
Phylum Mollusca
- Organ system level of organisation
- Bilateral symmetry
- Triploblastic
- Coelomate
- Without appendages
- Cephalopods- differentiated into head, visceral hump, and muscular foot
- Has a rasping hump with minute, horny teeth
- Bluish colour blood because of the respiratory pigment, haemocyanin
- Respiration by gills or by pulmonary sacs
E.g. Pilia (underline) (apple snail), Octopus (underline) (devil fish), Sepia (cuttle fish) (*underline)
Most dynamic and evolved phylum in the non-chordata
Phylum Arthropoda
Phylum Arthropoda
- Organ system level of organistion
- Bilateral symmetry
- Triploblastic
- Coelomate
- Metamerically segemented
- Body divided into head, thorax, and abdomen
- Chitinous exoskeleton
- Compound eyes
- Excretory organ- malpighian tubules
- Sexual dimorphism is exhibited
- Most groups have larval stages
E.g. Limulus (underline) (king crab: living fossil), Cancer (underline) (crab)
Phylum Echinodermata
- Organ system level of organisation
- Triploblastic
- Coelomate
- Larva are bilaterally symmetrical, adults are radially symmetrical
- No segmentation
- Possess power of regeneration of lost parts
E.g. Asterias (underline) (star fish), Cucumaria (underline) (sea cucumber)
Superclass Pisces- Kingdom, Phylum, Sub-phylum
Kingdom- Animalia
Phylum- Chordata
Sub-phylum- Vertebrata
Pisces- Classification
- Chondrichthyes- Cartilaginous fish
they have placoid scales
E.g. Trygon (underline), Torpedo (underline) - Osteichthyes- Bony fish
they have ctenoid scales
E.g. Labeo rohita (underline), Catla (underline)
Characteristics of Superclass Pisces
- Exclusively aquatic
- Skin usually moist and scaly
- Respiration typically by gills
- Two chambered heart
- Poikilothermal
Superclass Tetrapoda- Characteristics
- pentadactyl limbs
- cornified skin
- bony endoskeleton
- respiration by lungs
- three chambered or four chambered heart (crocodile is the only reptile with a four chambered heart) and double circulation
Class Amphibia
- poikilothermic
- paired, pentadactyl limbs
- external tympanum
- three chambered heart
- larval form- tadpoles
E.g. Bufo (underline) (toad), Rana (underline) (frog), Salamandra (*underline) (salamanders)
Most evolved group of phylum chordata
Class Reptilia
Class Reptilia- characteristics
- poikilothermic
- skin with dry horny scales
- respiration only through lungs
- no larval stages in the life-cycle
e.g. Draco (underline), Chameleon (underline)
e.g. Naja (underline), Vipera (underline)
Crocodiles and alligators
turtles (aquatic) and tortoises (terrestrial)
Class Aves
- homeothermic
- forelimbs modified into wings
- no teeth in beak
- four chambered heart
E.g. Pavo (underline) (peacock), Corvus (underline) (crow)
Class Mammalia
- homeothermic
- four chambered heart
- two pairs of limbs
- females with mammary glands
- heterodont dentition in all mammals
E.g. Camelys (underline) (camel), Rattus (underline) (rat), Homo sapiens (*underline)