Anemia- Decreased Red Blood Cells Flashcards
What role does TNF play in anemia?
- It decreases the production of erythropoietin
2. Decreases iron availability stores
What role does IL-1 play in anemia?
- Diminishes Iron Metabolism
2. Diminishes erythropoietin production
What role does INFBeta play in anemia?
It inhibits erythropoiesis
What role does INFGamma play in anemia?
It inhibits proliferation of erythroid precursors
How do neoplasms and sepsis play a role in anemia?
They produce TNF and INFBeta
How does chronic infection and inflammation play a role in anemia?
They produce IL-1 and INF Gamma
How can renal insufficiency cause anemia?
Leads to a lack of erythropoietin
How can lead intoxication lead to anemia?
Lead inhibits synthesis of protoporphyrin and the enzyme that ligates iron to porphyrin ring
What are the clinical findings of someone with chronic infection/inflammation/malignancy?
Smear- Normocytic, normochromic or microcytic and hypochromic
Ferritin can be normal or elevated
Epo low
What are the clinical findings of someone with Lead intoxication?
Decrease reticulocyte count
Basophilic stippling
increase in zinc protoporphyrin
What are the clinical findings of someone with Thyroid Disorder?
Normochromic and normocyti
Microcytosis can be seen
Macrocytosis (Hypothyroidism)
What are the clinical findings of someone with renal insufficiency?
-Occurs only when kidney function is
What are the clinical findings of someone with adrenal insufficiency?
Normochromic and normocytic
How do you manage anemia caused by chronic disease?
- Treat the underlying disease to decrease cytokines and chemokines
- Treat co-morbid conditions
- Epo can be effective
How do you manage anemia caused by lead intoxication?
Chelation therapy