Andrade (evaluation) Flashcards
Strengths- Reliability
- Standardised instructions
- Stanardised phone call
- Operationalisation of dooling
What standaridised instructions were given?
- I am going to play you a tape
- The tape is rather dull but thats okay because I don’t wan’t you to remeber any of it
- Just write down the names of people who will def/ probally be comming to the party
Why were standadised instructions given?
- Eliminating variability in how tasks are performed or understood.
- Thus minimizing** potential differences **in responses
What were the examples of counterbalancing in the procedure?
- Half of the ppts in each condition
- Asked to recall the names of party-goers then names of places mentioned
- The other half did the opposite
Why was counterbalancing used?
- Help control for order effects (practice effects)
- Ppts did not get better/ worse in moniteering the telephone message
The procedure was adminsitered in a quiet room why is this important?
- Minimises external distractions
- That could interfere with ppts concentration/ task performance
- Increases reliability
- Important they are assesed under comparable conditions
Strength-High in internal validity
- Counterbalancing
- Quiet room
- Recruitment
How was the phone call standardised?
- Recorded in the same monotonous voice
- 2.5 minutes
- 227 WPM
Why was the standardisation of the phone call important?
- Ensures ppts are all equally likely to be bored thus daydream
- Controls for any attension drawing aspect (aiding memory)
- Facilitates easier replication of the study
How was doodling operationalised?
- Standardised by using the doodling sheets
- Shading of shapes on the doodling sheets
Why was this operationalisation of doodling important?
- Controls for ppts putting effort in the doodling
- Ensures different researchers/same researchers at diff times interpret and measure the varibles in the same way
- Minimises measurement error
How were ppts recuited?
- Asked to join the study after immideatley partcipating in another study
Why is the way ppts were recruited into the study important?
- Enhances boredom
- All equally likely to be bored thus daydream
What quantitative data was collected in the study?
- Number of names and places recalled
- This is an objective record of memory.
Strength- Use of standard deviation and mean
Sampling bias- weakness
- Opportunity sample (all members of the same panel/ same profile (interest in pych) caused issues for demand characteristics
- Mainly females with (3 males in EC, 2 C) thus biased in terms of gender
- Sample was small in each condition
- Thus results on concentration and memory may not be generalisab;e
Ecological validity- Weaknesses
- Specific , controlled standaridised doodling (shading printed shapes)
- May not reflect naturalistic doodling
activities that occur in natural enviroments - Clear objectives, tasks whilst doodling unrealistic
- Few tasks are purely auditory/ visual
Weakness- No measurments for doodling
- No direct measure for daydreaming
- Cannot distinguish between attension and memory explanations
- What mechanism is behind the observed effect
- Brain scans/ self report