Ancient Indo-Europeans (2000-330) Flashcards
Sacked Babylon in 1595, Mitannians prevented advance into Mesopotamia until 1360 (1550-1200)
Hittites and Egyptians fighting–Qadesh 1274-prolly a draw, Egypt says otherwise, peace made because Hittites are scared of Assyria, who are liberated as Mitannians fall. Hattusil general in Kadesh, negotiated peace
Control most of metal trade; other superpower with Egypt
Few small cities and Hattusas, the capital–warlike tribal society
Collapsed about 1200, couldn’t handle famine and people flooding in after sea people’s invasion
Sea peoples force many empires to fall, even Egyptians retreat around 1200
Assur, Calah, Nineveh capitals. Early Assyria--2000 Middle Assyria 1350-1200, Assyria takes over after Mitannians die Assyrian Empire--860-612--most fearful empire
Assyrian Legacy
Militarant, intimidating, began common use of metal and breeding horses to battle size, terrorists (Israel). Strict laws, especially on women, began use of veils for women.
Babylon always fighting harsh Assyrians, and defeated them
Greatest art and literature of near east, yet most ferocious and nasty
Shalmaneser III
(858-824)–black obelisk with Jehu on it synchronism
Tiglath-Pileser III
(745-727 Pul in bible)–forces tribute from northern kingdom
Shalmaneser V
(726-722) upset with northern kingdom, sieges Samaria
Sargon II
-(722-705) finishes northern kingdom destruction in 722 (general?), Samarians are left over-part Jew, part not
(705-681)–in Isaiah sieges Jerusalem with 185k men (Hezekiah), tablet says he had Hezekiah caught like a bird in a cage. Killed by sons, Esarhaddon defended his rise to power
(681-669) controls Egypt, untimely death
(669-627) collected cuneiform texts and put in library
(fl. 1200-800 bc)
First notable Western seafarers
Shipped wood, scarlet dye, and copper to Egypt
Bible word derived from shipping paper through Byblos
Explored Mediterranean, North Africa, and maybe even Britain and maybe circumnavigated Africa
Roots of Greek alphabet
626-539. Neo-Babylonians. Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar II
(625-605)–Assyrians fleeing to Egypt, Babylon wrecks both of them and starts empire.
Nebuchadnezzar II
(605-562)–King during Daniel.
Walls that you could ride horses on-Herodotus.
Defeated Assyria and Egypt in 605 at Carchemish and establishes empire (N’s Chronicle).
Married a Mede from Persia, maybe built her Hanging Gardens, if they aren’t Assyrian.
Diverted Euphrates to surround city
Like Assyria, they deported and were nasty
real ruler, disrespected Marduk, so the people didn’t like him, so he was exiled from Babylon. Belshazzar instead ruled and saw Daniel’s writing on the wall
Persian Empire
easily conquered Babylon, as Herodotus said (he talks about Greco-Persian wars)–Achaemenid–largest Near East empire–Iran, stans, Mesopotamia through Egypt, and Anatolia. Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes, etc.
Cyrus II
(539-530)–dams Babylon, Persia walks in at night and takes over
Wanted to be known as a kinder people–Cyrus’s Cylinder-repatriation
Darius I
Susa–Esther, Persepolis–city to show off; Ecbatana and Babylon
“Eyes and Ears of the King”–controlled by a set of spies
“Royal Road”–Persians wanted to connect the empire–communication lifeline, posts with fresh horses
Xerxes I
Invasion of Greece (490-480)
Esther, queen of Xerxes
zoroastrian (Persia)
light god/dark god–Persian dualism–Christians borrowed hell from them?