Anatomy - Posterior Abdominal Wall Flashcards
Innermost muscle of the abdominal wall
Name the structures going through the diaphragm (3)
- Inferior vena cava (1 on picture)
- Aorta (2 on picture)
- Esophagus (3 on picture)
Name the apertures through which the 3 strcutures pass through the diaphragm
IVC: caval foramen
Esophagus: esophageal hiatus
Aorta: aortic hiatus
Other than the IVC, aorta and esophagus, what other structures take advantage of each hiatus in the diaphragm?
Caval formanen:
- Right phrenic nerve
- Lymphatics
Esophageal Hiatus:
- Esophagus, esophageal artery & vein
- …
What tissue surrounds the aortic hiatus?
Median arcuate ligament
What passes through the hole surrounded by the medial arcuate ligament?
What nerve innervates the diaphragm?
Phrenic nerve
Why does the phrenic nerve continue past the diaphragm?
It also innervates the parietal peritoneum of the diaphragm in the abdominal cavity. This is important, because if this peritoneum gets infected, the phrenic will…?
The esophagus is surrounded by a loop of tissue called…
right crus (on the right of the aorta)
Where is the left crus?
on the left of the aorta
Which renal vein is longer?
Left renal vein is longer than the right renal vein
The left renal vein passes beneath…
the superior mesenteric artery (risk of nutrcracker syndrome!)
Gonadal arteries
Supply the testis (males) or ovaries (females) - #1 on pic
The left gonadal vein drains into…
The right gonadal vein drains into…
** also risk of nutcracker syndrome for left gonad
Celiac trunk
emerges from aorta and branches into 3 constituent branches
The left suprarenal vein drains into…
The right suprarenal vein drains into…
Lymphatic drainage follows…
arteries to the aorta (drain lymph fluid back into the aorta)
Autonomic neurons are all efferent motor nerves.
General visceral afferent neurons
The lumbar plexus emerges from behind the …
psoas major muscle (deep to this muscle)
Ventral ramus vs Dorsal ramus
Dorsal ramus: Innervates deep back muscles
Ventral ramus: Innervates everything in the body wall except the deep back muscles
Both are somatic motor (efferent) nerves
Learn the branches of the lumbar plexus and the spinal levels from which they come from
Subcostal nerve - spinal level
Iliohypogastric nerve - spinal level
Ilioinguinal nerve - spinal level
Genitofemoral nerve - spinal level
L1, L2
Lateral femoral nerve - spinal level
What is a visceral reflex in the stomach
Visceral afferents signal to the brain that the stomach is filled with chyme.
Visceral efferents will activate the reflex.
What type of innervation does the vagus nerve carry?
Both efferent and afferent signals (visceral)
The vagus nerve innervates…
the foregut and midgut
Pelvic splanchnic nerves innervate…
the hindgut
Preganglionic nerves
Postganglionic nerves
Preganglionic: Originate in the spinal cord and synapse in the wall of the target organ (ganglion)
Postganglionic: very short nerve that is activated by the preganglionic nerve to actually innervate the target organ
Name the 2 parasympathetic nerves of the …?
Vagus nerve
Pelvic splanchnic nerve
Sympathetic neurons only exist at what levels of the spinal cord?
T1 to L2
What is the purpose of the sympathetic trunk?
Sympathetic neurons only exist fromT1 to L2 - the sympathetic trunk allows them to branch out and innervate the entire body (?)
What is the white ramus communicans?
What is the grey ramus communicans?
What is the aortic lexus
Autonomic nervous system branches…?
Where does the greater splanchnic synapse?
Celiac ganglion
The adrenal medulla can be thought of as a modified,,,
sympathetic ganglion (it is derived from the same embryonic tissue that forms postganglionic sympathetic neurons)
Cells of the adrenal medulla are innervated by preganglionic sympathetic fibres
The general visceral afferent nerves carry…
The GVAs course from the organs to the splanchnic nerve, sympathetic ganglion and white ramus to…