Anatomy of the Thigh Flashcards
How is body weight transferred in the body?
Vertebral column –> sacroiliac joints –> pelvic girdle –> hip joints –> femurs –> knee joints –> Tibia –> ankle joints –> arches of the foot
- Body weight is equally distributed from right and left hip
Angle of inclination
Angle of the femur
- Normal is 126 degrees
- Angle widest at birth 140 degrees
- Angle narrowest in old age 110 degrees
- In females the angle is greater due to wider hips
Superficial fascia
- Continuous with abdominal fascia
2. Embedded within are many nerves and blood vessels
What are the names of the cutaneous nerves of the thigh?
- Genital branch of genitofemoral
- Ilioinguinal
- Femoral branch of genitofemoral
- Medial femoral
- Intermediate femoral
- Lateral femoral
- Posterior femoral
Characteristics of genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
L1, L2
- Emerge from superficial ring to supply proximal medial thigh
- Most of the branches go to genital region
Characteristics of ilioinguinal nerve
- Emerge from superficial ring to supply proximal medial thigh
- Most of the branches go to genital region
Characteristics of femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve
L1, L2
- Supplies skin over the femoral triangle
- Proximal part of anterior thigh
Characteristics of medial femoral cutaneous branch
- Branch off the femoral nerve
2. Supplies skin of the medial thigh
Characteristics of intermediate femoral cutaneous branch
- Branch of femoral nerve
2. Supplies skin of the distal anterior thigh
Characteristics of lateral femoral cutaneous branch
L2, L3
- NOT part of the femoral nerve
- Enters the thigh medial to ASIS
- Supplies skin of lateral thigh
- Sits lateral to intermediate cutaneous branch
Characteristics of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
- Supplies posterior thigh and popliteal region
- Originates from sacral plexus
Dermatome levels for the leg
- L1-L5 for lower body skin
2. S2-S3 back of the thigh
Superficial arteries are branches from what artery?
- branches from the femoral artery mainly
1. Superficial circumflex iliac artery
2. Superficial external pudendal artery
3. Deep external pudendal artery
Vein of the thigh
Great saphenous vein
- Begins in the foot and ascends to proximal part of the thigh
- Empties into the femoral vein
- Enters the thigh passing posterior to the medial condyle of the femur
What does the deep fascia or fascia lata do for the muscles?
- Prevents the muscles from bulging
- Attaches to the IT band to hold it up
- Provides intermuscular septa that divides the thigh into 3 compartments
Iliotibial tract band (IT)
Lateral thickening of the fascia
Acts like a stocking that is held up by the tensor fascia latae
Where does the tensor fascia lata attach?
Superiorly = Inguinal ligament, parts of the hip bone, sacrum/coccyx, scarpa's fascia, sacrotuberous ligament Inferiorly = knee joint becomes continuous with crural fascia
What nerve are all the muscles of the anterior compartment innervated by?
Femoral nerve
What is the action of all the muscles of the anterior compartment?
- Flexors of the hip
2. Extensors of the knee
Characteristics of the sartorius muscle
Part of anterior compartment
I: superior part of medial surface of tibia
Crosses 2 joints = hip and knee joint ergo produce movement at both joint
What is the pes anserinus?
3 muscles that insert on the same area
- Sartorius
- Gracilis
- Semitendinosus
Characteristics of quadriceps femoris muscle
Part of anterior compartment Tendon attaches to patella via patella ligament Comprised of 4 muscles 1. Rectus femoris 2. Vastus lateralis 3. Vastus medialis 4. Vastus intermedius
Recuts femoris O and I
Part of anterior compartment
one of the quadricep femoris muscles
I: patella
Vastus lateralis O and I
Part of anterior compartment
One of the quadriceps femoris muscles
O: linea aspera
I: Patella
Vastus medialis O and I
Part of anterior compartment
One of the quadriceps femoris muscles
O: linea aspera
I: patella
Vastus intermedius
Part of anterior compartment
One of the quadriceps femoris muscles
O: body of femur
I: patella
Characteristics of articularis genu
Part of anterior compartment
O: Anterior part of femur
I: synovial membrane of knee
Characteristics of iliopsoas
Part of anterior compartment I: trochanter 2 muscles grouped together 1. Psoas major 2. Iliacus