Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves Flashcards
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dorsal root ganglion =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dorsal root =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dura mater (meninges) =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Arachnoid (Spinal cord - meninges)
- Separated from the pia by cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Pia mater (meninges) =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Meninges =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dorsal ramus = Branch of the spinal nerve that contains nerves that serve the dorsal parts of the trunk, carries sensory information to and from the skin and muscles of the back.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Ventral ramus
- Innervates skin and muscles on the anterior aspect of the trunk, limbs, also provide the spinal contributions to all major neural plexuses.
- As such, they are responsible for the majority of the body’s sensorimotor innervation
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Ventral root =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Spinal cord =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Spinal nerve =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which (segment) vertbrae?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which (segment) vertbrae?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which (segment) vertbrae?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dorsal root ganglion =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Sympathetic chain =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
White matter =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Gray matter =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Ventral root =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dorsal root =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Sympathetic chain ganglia =
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Spinal nerves
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Supply both the viscera (autonomic) and somatic structures
- Somatic _ ? _ are usually mixed: consisting of the sensory, autonomic, and motor axons
Peripheral Nerves:
- Cutaneous branches supply the skin and subcutaneous tissues, including sensory and autonomic related information;
- muscular branches supply the muscles, tendons, and joints
- Peripheral axons are classified according to diameter and speed of conduction
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Cell bodies of motor neurons are located in = ?
Ventral and Dorsal roots
- Cell bodies of motor neurons are located in the ventral horn of the spinal cord.
- Their axons leave the anterolateral cord in small groups called rootlets.
- Ventral rootlets form a single segment to form ventral root.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dorsal root contain _ ? _ axons that bring information into the spinal cord.
Ventral and Dorsal roots
- Dorsal root contain sensory axons that bring information into the spinal cord and enters the posterolateral spinal cord via rootlets.
- Dorsal roots contain dorsal root ganglion located outside the spinal cord.
- Dorsal root ganglion contains cell bodies of sensory neurons.
- Fibers for proprioceptive and touch information are located medially and small diameter fibers transmitting nociception and temperature information are located laterally
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Dorsal and ventral root join briefly to form = ?
Ventral and Dorsal roots
- Dorsal and ventral root join briefly to form spinal nerve.
- Spinal nerve is mixed nerve because it contains bothsensory, autonomic and motor axons.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Dorsal horn processes= ?
- Ventral/ anterior horn processes= ?
- Lateral horn processes = ?
Internal structure of the spinal cord
Much of the gray matter is composed of spinal interneurons and cell bodies:
- Dorsal horn processes = sensory information
- Ventral/ anterior horn processes = motor information
- Lateral horn processes = autonomic information
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Spinal cord segments:
- cervical = ?
- thoracic = ?
- lumbar = ?
- sacral = ?
- coccygeal = ?
Internal structure of the spinal cord
Spinal cord segments:
- cervical = 8
- thoracic = 12
- lumbar = 5
- sacral = 5
- coccygeal = 1
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Spinal cord is continuous with _ ? _ and ends at _ ? _
Internal structure of the spinal cord
Spinal cord is continuous with medulla and ends at L1-L2 intervertebral space in adults.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- The L2-S5 nerve roots travel downward below the end of the spinal cord before exiting the vertebral canal.
- This collection of nerveroots inferior to the spinal cord within the bony canal is = ?
The L2-S5 nerveroots travel downward below the end of the spinal cord before exiting the vertebral canal. This collection of nerveroots inferior to the spinal cord within the bony canal is the cauda equina.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
How many pairs of spinal nerves ?
Spinal nerves and Rami
31 pairs of spinal nerves
- 8 cervical
- 12 thoracic
- 5 lumbar
- 5 sacral and
- 1 coccygeal
(part of peripheral nervous system)
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which vertebral bodies ?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which vertebral bodies ?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which vertebral bodies ?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which vertebral bodies ?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Which vertebral bodies ?
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Bundle of connective tissue and glia that connects the end of the cord to the coccyx= ?
Inferior to the end of the spinal cord is the filum terminale, bundle of connective tissue and glia that connects the end of the cord to the coccyx.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
The branches of the dorsal rami are responsible for innervating the nerve’s paraspinous muscles (the nerve’s myotome (and skin of the back (the nerve’s dermatome) related to the ramus’ _ ? _
The branches of the dorsal rami are responsible for innervating paraspinous muscles (the nerve’s myotome) and skin of the back (the nerve’s dermatome) related to the ramus’ vertebral level.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
The ventral rami innervates ?
- The ventral rami innervates skin and muscles on the anterior aspect of the trunk, limbs, also provide the spinal contributions to all major neural plexuses.
- As such, they are responsible for the majority of the body’s sensorimotor innervation.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Cervical region:
Anterior (ventral) division = ?
Cervical region:
Anterior (ventral) division = cervical plexus, brachial plexus
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Thoracic region:
Anterior division = ?
Thoracic region:
Anterior division = intercostal nerves
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Lumbar region:
Anterior division = ?
Lumbar region:
Anterior division = lumbar plexus, sacral plexus
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Sacral region = ?
Sacral region = Sacral plexus, lumbosacral plexus
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Coccygeal region = ?
Coccygeal region = Coccygeal plexus
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Spinal cord section that give rise to one spinal nerve = ?
- Spinal cord section that give rise to one spinal nerve is considered as a segment.
- The connection of nerve rootlets to the exterior of the cord indicate a segment .
- Each segment of cord is connected to a specific region of the body by axons travelling through a pair of spinal nerves.
- Segment are identified by the same designation as their corresponding spinal nerves.
- Axons travelling through the rootlets, roots and spinal nerves connect a spinal segment with a specific part of the body.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Dura is the tough = ?
- Arachnoid is separated from the pia by = ?
- Pia mater closely adheres to = ?
Are layers of connective tissue that surround the spinal cord, andare continuous with the meninges surrounding the brain.
- Dura is the tough, outer layer
- Arachnoid is separated from the pia by cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space
- Pia mater closely adheres to the spinal cord surface.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Epidural space = ?
- Subdural space = ?
- Subarachnoid space = ?
- Epidural space = between dura and vertebrae
- Subdural space = between arachnoid and dura
- Subarachnoid space = between arachnoid and pia
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Epidural anesthesia, catheter is placed in the = ?
Epidural anesthesia, catheter is placed in the epidural space (space between dura and vertebrae).
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Bundle of axons that convey information from spinal cord to the brain?
- Bundle of axons that convey information from spinal cord to the brain = spinal nerve?
The bundle of axons that carries information from the spinal cord to the brain is called the “spinal cord pathways” or “ascending tracts.” These tracts consist of axons that transmit sensory information such as touch, temperature, pain, and proprioception from the peripheral nerves to the brain for processing and interpretation. Some of the major ascending tracts include the spinothalamic tract, dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway, and spinocerebellar tracts.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Contains all of motor, sensory and autonomic axons of a single spinal segment?
- Contains all of motor, sensory and autonomic axons of a single spinal segment= Spinal Nerve
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Contains cell bodies of primary sensory neurons?
- Contains cell bodies of primary sensory neurons = Dorsal root ganglia
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Innervates paravertebral muscles, posterior vertebral structures, and overlying cutaneous areas?
- Innervates paravertebral muscles, posterior vertebral structures, and overlying cutaneous areas= Dorsal ramus
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Contains sensory axons that connect with a single segment of the spinal cord?
- Contains sensory axons that connect with a single segment of the spinal cord = Spinal nerve
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
Contains efferent axons, including axons that innervate muscles ?
6: Contains efferent axons, including axons that innervate muscles = Ventral Root
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
- Endoneurium = ?
- Perineurium = ?
- Epineurium = ?
Consist of parallel bundles of axons (neurons) surrounded by three connective tissue sheaths:
- Endoneurium = Separates individual axons.
- Perineurium = Surrounds bundles of axons (fascicles).
- Epineurium = Encloses the entire nerve trunk.
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
C2 innervation = ?
C2 innervation = head and neck movements
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
C3 innervation = ?
C3 innervation = Breathing
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
C4 innervation = ?
C4 innervation = Scapula elevation and retraction
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
C5 innervation = ?
C5 innervation = Elbow flexion
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
C6 innervation = ?
C6 innervation = Wrist extension
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
C7 innervation = ?
C7 innervation = Elbow extension
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
C8 innervation = ?
C8 innervation = Finger flexion
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
T1 innervation = ?
T1 innervation = Finger abduction; hand intrinsics
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
T7-T12 innervation = ?
T7-T12 innervation = Move, stabilize trunnk; abdominals
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
L2 innervation = ?
L2 innervation = Hip flexion and adduction
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
L3 innervation = ?
L3 innervation = Knee extension
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
L4 innervation = ?
L4 innervation = Ankle dorsiflexion
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
L5 innervation = ?
L5 innervation = Long toe extensors
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
S1-S2 innervation = ?
S1-S2 innervation = Ankle platar flexion; Triceps surae
Anatomy of the Spinal Region and Peripheral Nerves
S2-S3 innervation = ?
S2-S3 innervation = Foot intrinsics