Anatomy of the Male Reproductive Tract Flashcards
What is the male reproductive tract in anatomical relationship with?
The urinary tract
What is the scrotum?
A cutaneous sac
What does the scrotum contain?
- Testis
- Epididymis
- First part of spermatic cord
What is the testis surrounded by?
The tunica vaginalis
What is the tunica vaginalis derived from?
Processus vaginalis
What is testis enclosed by?
Tunica albuginea
Are the testes enclosed within the peritoneal membrane?
No, sit behin it enveloped in an outpouching
What is the testis organised into?
How is the testis organised into lobules?
By fibrous septae
What is found within the lobules of the testis?
Functional tissue of the testis
What happens to the testes during development?
They descend
What are the testes developed from?
Labioscrotal folds
What are the labio scrotal folds derived from?
Outpouchings of the anterolateral abdominal wall
Where do the gonads develop?
Within the mesonephric ridge, up in the abdomen in association with the kidneys
What course do the testes take during their descent?
- Descend through the abdomen, behind the peritoneum
- Cross the inguinal canal
- Exit the anterolateral abdominal wall
Are the testes palpable in the scrotum at delivery in a term pregnancy?
What is the arterial supply of the testes?
Direct branch of the abdominal aorta
Relates to their embryological origin
What is the venous drainage of the testes?
By the testicular vein, which drains into;
- IVC on right
- Renal vein on left
What is the innervation of the testes?
- Anterior surface by lumbar plexus
- Posterior and inferior surfaces by sacral plexuses
- Posterior and inferior surfaces by sacral plexuses
What does the lymphatics of the testes drain into?
The para-aortic nodes
Where does the lymphatics of the scrotum drain into?
The superficial inguinal nodes
Why is there a vast difference in the lymphatic drainage of the testes and the scrotum, despite them being close to each other geographically?
Because the testes develop on the posterior abdominal wall, and the drainage reflects that
What does the epididymis consist of?
- Head
- Body
- Tail
What does the epididymis do?
Connects to the seminiferous tubules via efferent ductules and rete testis
What does the spermatic cord contain?
Structures running to and from testes;
- Neurovascular structures
- Duct system
- Processus vaginalis
What neurovascular structures does the spermatic cord contain?
- Testicular artery
- Cremasteric artery
- Artery to vas
- Pampiniform plexus
- Genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
What is the pampiniform plexus?
The beginning of the venous drainage, drains to testicular artery
What does the pampiniform plexus form?
A meshwork around the artery, ensuring optimum temperature for gametogenesis
What is the optimum temperature for gametogenesis?
Slightly lower than body temperature
How does the pampiniform plexus ensure optimum temperature for gametogenesis?
The veins form a heat exchange surface, so the blood that enters the testes is of a slightly lower temperature
Other than the pampiniform plexus, what else helps maintain the optimum temperature for gametogenesis?
The scrotum hanging lower than the body
What part of the duct system does the spermatic cord contain?
Vas deferens
What course does the vas deferens take?
- Ascends in the spermatic cord
- Transverses inguinal canal
- Tracks around pelvic side wall
- Passes between bladder and ureter
- Forms dilated ampulla
- Opens into ejaculatory duct
What is formed from specialisations of the dilated ampulla of the ductus deferens?
The seminal vesicles
What are the coverings of the spermatic cord?
- External spermatic fascia
- Cremasteric muscle and fascia
- Internal spermatic fascia
What is the external spermatic fascia?
The aponeurosis of the external oblique
Where does the cremasteric muscle and fascia come from?
The internal oblique and transversalis