Anatomy EX2 - Arteries Flashcards
Pericardiacophrenic & superior phrenic aa
-supply superior surface of diaphragm (via int. thoracic a & thoracic aorta)
Inferior phrenic aa
- supply inferior surface of diaphragm (via abdominal aorta)
- sends off 6-8 Sup. suprarenal aa.
Musculophrenic aa
- supply periphery of diaphragm and upper abdominal mm. (via int. thoracic aa.)
- Br. of Internal Thoracic (Mammary)
- Runs along costal cartilage
Superior Epigastric aa.
- Br. of Internal Thoracic (Mammary)
- Enters posterior rectus sheath lat. to sternum
- Supplies upper rectus abdominus mm.
- Anastomoses with Inf. Epigastric
Celiac Trunk
- 1st major br. of Abd aorta
- Supplies liver, gb, esophagus, stomach, pancreas & spleen
- 3 main branches
1) Common hepatic
2) L. gastric
3) Splenic aa.
Splenic a.
- Left br. of celiac trunk
- Runs toward spleen
- supplies pancreas & spleen
- Sends short gastric aa. & L gastroepiploic a.
- supply greater curvature of stomach
L Gastric a.
- Superior br. of celiac trunk
- Runs L toward lesser curvature of stomach
- supplies stomach & esophagus (via esophageal brs.)
Common Hepatic a.
- Right br. of celiac trunk
- Runs toward liver & gallbladder
- 2 terminal branches:
1) Proper hepatic a.
2) Gastroduodenal a.
Proper Hepatic a.
- Superior br. of common hepatic a.
- Runs toward liver & medial to bile duct
- Splits into R & L hepatic aa
R. Gastric a.
- usually arises from proper hepatic a.
- May arise from common hepatic or gastroduodenal aa.
- Anastomoses with L. gastric a.
- Supplies lesser curvature of stomach
Cystic a.
- usually arises from R hepatic a.
- 75% run post. to common hepatic duct
- 24% run ant. to common hepatic duct
- 1% are double cystic aa.
- Supplies gallbladder & cystic duct
Common Hepatic aa. Variations
- variations ~ 40%
- R hepatic a. may arise from SMA
- L hepatic a. may arise from L. gastric a.
-Both R and L hepatic aa. may arise from celiac trunk
Accessory R & L hepatic aa also common
Gastroduodenal a.
- Inferior br. of common hepatic a.
- Runs toward junction of stomach & duodenum
- sends Supr. pancreaticoduodenal aa. to pancreas/duodenum
- sends R gastroepiploic a to gr. curvature of stomach
Superior & Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal aa.
- Gastroduodenal a. sends off Supr. pancreaticoduodenal aa.
- SMA gives off Inferior pancreaticoduodenal aa.
- They anastomose and supply head of pancreas & duodenum
*Splenic a. supplies rest of pancreas with additional branches
Lumbar aa,
- 4 pairs aa
- brs of Abd aorta
(sup to bifurcation)
Aorta bifurcates at L4
level of umbilicus
Suprarenal aa.
- supply adrenal glands
1) Sup. suprarenal aa (6-8) from Inferior phrenic a.
2) Middle suprarenal aa (1+) from Abdominal aa.
3) Inf. suprarenal aa (1+) from Renal aa.
Renal aa.
- R longer
- R passes posterior to IVC
- Each divides at hilum into segmental aa.
- Enter hilum of each kidney to supply it
- lateral branches of abdominal aorta (lateral to SMA)
- sends off brs. to adrenal glands via inf. suprarenal aa., and ureters
Ureter aa.
– arise from 3-4 sources:
1) renal a.
2) testicular or ovarian a.
3) abdominal aorta
4) internal iliac a. (Pelvic cavity)
Gonadal aa.
• lateral branches of abdominal aorta (inf. to renal aa.)
• Ovarian aa (♀)
– crosses over ureters & iliac vessels
– descends to pelvis to supply ovaries
• Testicular aa. (♂)
– crosses over ureters & enters inguinal canal
– descends into scrotum to supply testes
Deep Circumflex Iliac aa.
- Br. of External Iliac
- Runs between IO & TA
Supplies inferior lateral abdominal mm.
Inferior Epigastric aa.
- Br. of External Iliac
- Enters posterior rectus sheath at arcuate line
- Supplies lower rectus abdominus mm.
- anastomoses with Sup. Epigastric
Superficial Circumflex Iliac aa.
- br. of femoral a.
- supplies region of inguinal ligament
Superficial Epigastric aa.
- br. of femoral a.
- supplies abdomen infr. to umbilicus.
Internal iliac aa.
- enter true pelvis & branches
- 3 posterior & 7 anterior
- supplies pelvic organs & gluteal region
Iliolumbar a.
- between iliac crest & L5
- supplies medial ilium & L5
Lateral Sacral a.
- enters ventral sacral foramina
- supplies sacrum & ventral sacral nn.
Superior Gluteal a.
- between L5 & S1
- enters gluteal region superior to piriformis m.
- supplies gluteal mm. with superior gluteal nn.
- exits greater sciatic foramen
Inferior Gluteal a.
- Between S2 & S3(S1 & S2)
- inferior to piriformis m.
- supplies gluteal mm with inferior gluteal nn.
NOTE: both Sup. & Inf. Gluteal aa. exit pelvis via greater sciatic foramen
Middle Rectal a.
- supplies rectum
- anastomoses with superior rectal from IMA & inferior rectal from internal pudendal a.
Internal pudendal a.
- runs with pudendal n.
- exits pelvis thru greater sciatic foramen
- enters gluteal region inferomedial to piriformis
- crosses over sacrospinous ligament
- re-enters pelvis thru lesser sciatic foramen
- supplies UG & anal Δs
Vaginal a. OR Inferior Vesical a.
- in females: supplies inferior vagina & adjacent bladder and rectum
- in males: supplies posterior inferior bladder, ureter, seminal vesicle and prostate
Note: ureter runs above this artery
Obturator a.
- runs thru obturator canal
- supplies medial thigh with obturator n.
Umbilical a. & Superior Vesical a.
- runs toward ant. abd. wall
- sends of 3-4 Superior Vesical aa. to bladder
- terminates as medial umbilical ligament
Superior Mesenteric a.
- 2nd major branch of abdominal aorta
- ~1 cm inferior of celiac
- sends 15-18 intestinal
aa to small intestine - supplies up to proximal 2/3 of transverse colon
- Has 4 main branches:
1) Inferior pancreaticoduodenal a.
2) Ileocolic a.
3) R. colic a.
4) Middle colic a.
*Also gives off other intestinal aa.
Ileocolic a.
- supplies last part of ileum, cecum, and appendix
R. Colic a.
- supplies ascending colon
Middle Colic a.
- supplies transverse colon
Inferior Mesenteric a.
- 3rd major branch of abdominal aorta
- ~5 cm superior to aortic bifurcation
- supplies colon from distal 1/3 of transverse colon
- Has 3 branches:
1) L. Colic a.
2) 4 Sigmoid aa.
3) Superior rectal a.
L. Colic a.
- supplies descending colon
Sigmoid aa.
- there are 4 of them
- branches supply the lower part of the descending colon, the iliac colon, and the sigmoid or pelvic colon; anastomosing above with the L. Colic a.
Superior Rectal a.
- the terminal branch of the IMA
- supplies rectum
Median sacral a.
- runs down the midline of the sacrum
Abdominal aorta
- splits into common iliac aa.
Common Iliac aa.
- splits into external & internal iliac aa.
External iliac aa.
- exits pelvis as femoral aa.
Marginal aa.
- Anastomoses exist between colic branches for collateral circulation
- These form a consistent vascular arc around colon, via marginal a. of Drummond