Anatomy Flashcards
What effect can pituitary tumours have on vision?
Explain why
Can lead to bitemporal hemianopia -> pituitary compresses optic chiasmia -> compresses optic nerves coming from nasal retina -> affects sight in temporal visual fields
What part of the brain processses visual stimuli?
Visual cortex in occipital lobe
What lies directly superior to the pituitary gland?
Describe what it is
Diaphragma sellae
Tought sheet of dura matter
What is the name of the dura mater that covers the cerebellum?
Tentorium cerebelli
The pituitary gland forms off the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus and thalamus together form what?
For each of the following parts of the pituitary gland. Identify if they are in the anterior or posterior lobe:
Pars nervosa
Pars tuberalis
Pars distalis
Pars intermedia
Pars nervosa - posterior lobe
Anterior lobe
- pars tuberalis
- pars distalis
- pars intermedia
What is the name of the stalk that leads from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland?
Where is the pituitary gland found?
Pituitary fossa -> sella turcica -> sphenoid bone
How is venous blood transported in the brain/cranial cavity?
Venous sinuses
- made of foldings of dura mater -> internal jugular veins
How can you tell the difference between the internal and external carotid arteries?
External has branches unlike internal
What sinuses surround the pituitary gland?
Where is the internal carotid artery in relation to this?
Cavernous and intercavernous sinuses
Internal artery passes from cavernous sinuses
When performing pituitary surgery on a relatively uncomplicated case, the TRANSSPHENOIDAL method is used.
What must be disected through to reach the pituitary?
Nasal septum
Floor and roof of sphenoid sinus
Name the 4 paranasal sinuses found in the skull
What is found within paranasal sinuses?
Frontal sinus
Ethmoid air cells
Sphenoid sinus
Maxillary sinus (antrum)
Resp mucosal lining -> secrete mucus
What muscle splits the neck into anterior and posterior triangle?
What muscle is found posterior to the posterior traingle?
What nerve innervates both these muscles?
CN XI - spinal accessory nerve
What is the offical name for the Adam’s apple?
Larngeal prominance of the thyroid cartilage
Where is the thyroid gland found?
Describe its appearance?
Anterior of the larynx
Two lateral lobes joined by an ISTHMUS
What is a pyramidal lobe in relation to the thyroid?
What embryological remnant does it originate from?
Extra growth of thyroid that is often found originating from left lateral lobe (but not always) and growing superiorly
Not in everyone
Thyroglossal duct
If recurrent larngeal nerves become damaged what effect does this have.
Unilaterally affected
Bilaterally affected
Effects the ability of the rima glottis to move
Unilateral - hoarse voice
Bilateral - no sound at all - Aphonia
Where do the left and right recuurent laryngeal nerves wrap around
Left = arch of aorta
Right = sublavian artery
Where does the vagus nerve (CN X) exit the cranium?
Jugular foramen
What is found in the carotid sheath?
- Vagus nerve
- Lymph nodes
- Common carotid artery
- Internal jugular vein
What is the name of the fascia that encompasses the whole neck and covers the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscle?
Investing fascia
What muscle is most superfical in the neck?
What is it innervated by?
Platysma muscle - found in superfical fascia (subcutaneous tissue)
CN VII - facial nerve - part of muscles of facial expression
What is the name of the fascia which surrounds the cervical verterbrae and postural neck muscles?
which dissecting from anterior found before vertebrae
What does the pretracheal fasica encompass?
- Thyroid
- Trachea
- Oesphagus
- Recurrent larnygeal nerves
- Strap muscles
Where does the thyroid get its blood supply; aterial and venous?
- supperior thyroid artery from external carotid
- inferior thyroid artery from thyrocervical trunk (branch of subclavian)
- superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins
Which of the veins that drain the thyroid flows straight into the brachiocephalic vein?
Inferior thyroid vein
Where are the parathyroid glands found and how many are there?
What must be noted about them when perfroming surgery of thyroid?
4 - 2 superior + 2 inferior
Posterior surface of thyroid gland
They have very variable positioning so need to be carefully disected
What is the most superfical strap muscle?
Name them all from lateral to medial
What innervates these?
C1-3 = ansa cervicalis
Look at diagram in onenote NOE
Through what vessel do hormones secreted by the hypothalamus pass into the anterior pituitary cells?
These hormones can be either stimulating or inhibitory
Hypophyseal portal veins
What 3 arteries supply the pancreas?
Dorsal pancreatic (branch of splenic) Superior pancreaticoduodenal (branch of gastroduodenal -> common hepatic artery) Inferior pancreaticoduodenal (branch of SMA)
Where are the adrenal glands found?
Superior to the kidneys retroperitoneal
The adrenal glands are in 2 distinct sections:
name them
what do they secrete?
Adrenal cortex (outer)
- gluccocorticoids
- mineralcorticoids
- androgens
Adrenal medulla (inner)
- noradrenaline
- adrenaline
What is important to note about the vascular of the right and left adrenal glands?
Name the 3 arteries and 1 vein that supply them
where on the abdominal artery do these arteries appear?
Asymmetry between right and left
- Superior suprarenal artery - above coeliac trunk
- Middle suprarenal artery - above coeliac trunk
- Inferior suprarenal artery - below SMA
- suprarenal vein
The ovary is supplied by an anastomosis between the SMA and internal iliac artery.
Name them.
Ovarian artery - SMA - from most lateral
Uterine artery - internal iliac artery - from most medial
What nerve is found in the posterior triangle?
Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
After the waves from the temporal visual fields have reached the nasal retina what is their pathway?
Nasal retina Optic nerve (CN II) Optic chiasma Optic tract Occipital lobe
When accessing the pituitary gland for surgery during the common transsphenoidal method, what bones must be broken?
Nasal septum
Floor and roof of the sphenoid sinus
What kind of incision is made to access the larynx?
“Collar” incision - superior to the clavicles and jugular notch
In the natural crease of the neck
Is it left or right vagus nerve that wraps around the arch of the aorta?
What nerves are found in the cavernous sinus?
3, 4, V1, V2 and VI
Match the cell type to the pituitary hormone they secrete: Somatrope Corticotroph Lactotroph Thyrotroph Gonadotroph
Somatrope - GH Corticotroph - ACTH Lactotroph - Prolactin Thyrotroph - TSH Gonadotroph - LH + FSH
Inside the thyroid there are follicles filled with a sticky substance called colloid. What makes up the main component of colloid?
What cell type makes up 50% of the anterior pituitary?
(so much atrope) - excess also = GH