anatomy Flashcards
fertilization and development (1)
Sperm travels towards ovum (remem. lots of nutrition from uterine tubule cells = food + peg cells
help with capacitation [weaken acrosomal membrane])
fertilization and development (2)
~200 reach egg-need to penetrate corona radiata (follicular/granulosa cells that protect ovum during
egestion from ovary)
fertilization and development (3)
acrosomal release of enzymes ‘pops’ follicular cells-leaves gap to surface of ovum (zona pellucid =
microvilli + glycoprotein matrix)
fertilization and development (4)
have to have an intact acrosomal cap to get thru zona pellucid b/c those enzymes eat thru matrix +
flagellum to move inward
fertilization and development (5)
receptor on interior acrosomal membrane matches receptor on surface of ovum membrane = fusion
of sperm & ovum mems
dont want polyspermy so fusion results in
1) rapid depolarization (Na+ influx) across ovum from point of fusion (short term; ‘shock’)
this causes
2) Ca++ release from endoplasmic reticulum → granules released from packets at cell membrane →
react w/glycoprotein matrix-hardens up (epoxy) + destroys binding receptors (long term)
sperm drawn in a cell results in
use nucleus + centriole; degrade all else
fusion also results in
triggering ovum to complete meiosis II:
Nuclei enclosed in membranes = pronuclei;
chromos. replicate; membranes dissolve;
chromos line up b/w mitotic spindles (just like mitosis);
go thru anaphase & telophase → divides into 2 cells each w/ 2n = blastomeres
process complete ~ 30 hours after fusion (ovulation 1-2 days ago)
meiosis II results in
2 cells same size as ovum
(prenatal development): 40 weeks
usu. counted from 1st day of last menstrual period even tho 1st two weeks are prior to ovulation = no
pregnancy yet!
gestation (1st trimester)
pre-embryo → embryo → fetus
gestation (2nd trimester)
dev. of organs/organ systems
gestation (3rd trimester)
↑ size of offspring & get fat
ovum + sperm → 2 blastomeres → morula → blastula → blastocyst (inner cell mass + outer trophoblast)
(16 cells) (hollow ball)
new organism chorion
+ membranes + placenta
blastocyte implants into