Anatomy Flashcards
Arteries in the leg
External iliac->femoral->popliteal->anterior tibial->dorsalis pedis
What is area covered by L3 dermatome
Anterior thigh
What is area covered by L4 dermatome
Over the knee and medial malleolus
What is area covered by L5 dermatome
Over dorsum of foot
Lateral calf and malleolus
What is area covered by S1 dermatome
Posterolateral area of foot
Lateral side of foot (pinky toe)
At what level does aorta bifurcate
Which cranial nerves come out of the different brainstem parts
Midbrain- CN3 and 4
Pons- CN5-8
Medulla- CN9-12
Branches of CNV
V1= opthalmic
V2= maxillary
V3= mandibular
Function of CNV
Sensory to skin, sinuses and mucous membranes of face
CNV1 is corneal reflex
Motor control of muscles of mastication- masseter, temporalis
General sensation on anterior 2/3 tongue
Function of CN7
Motor- facial muscles supply
Sensory- anterior 2/3 taste on tongue
Parasympathetic supply of sublingual, submandibular and lacrimal glands
Difference in inflammation of vestibular neuronitis vs labyrinthitis
Vestibular neuronitis= inflammation of vestibular branch of CN8
Labyrinthitis= inflammation of complex of membranous labyrinth (semicircular rings complex)
Function of CN8
Splits into 2 branches at
- vestibular nerve= sensory information on balance
- cochlear= sensory information on hearing
Function of CN9
Sensory- touch and taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
Afferent for gag reflex
Parasympathetic= parotid gland
Function of CN10
Sensory- heart, abdominal organs and larynx
Motor- muscles of pharynx and larynx
Parasympathetic supply to abdominal tract, heart and bronchi
Function of CN11
Motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
Function of CN12
Motor- muscles of tongue
Nerve affected if tongue deviated to right
Right hypoglossal nerve
Efferent pathway in gag reflex
If uvula is deviated to right where is lesion
Left vagus nerve
Corticospinal tract pathway
Cerebral cortex
Decussate in medulla
Synapse at spinal level and leave through ventral horn
What is carried in spinothalamic pathway
Crude pressure
Where do spinothalamic vs dorsal column tracts decussate
Dorsal= medulla
Spinothalamic= 2 levels above level where enter dorsal horn
Causes of brown sequard
Infective- TB, abscess
Presentation of brown sequard
Ipsilateral weakness
Ipsilateral vibration and proprioception loss
Contralateral pain and temp loss
What are is covered by S2 dermatome
Posterior thigh
What is covered by C5 dermatome
Lateral part of arm down to elbow
What is covered by C6 dermatome
Lateral lower arm down to thumb
What is covered by C7 dermatome
Plamar and dorsal middle 3 fingers with a lot lower arm
What is covered by C8 dermatome
Palmar little finger up to medial elbow
What is covered by T1 dermatome
Medial upper arm
What dermatome covers AC joint and over shoulder
Muscles and nerve for shoulder adduction
Pec major
Lat dorsi
Teres major
Nerve- Scapular
Muscles and nerves for shoulder abduction
Elbow flexion
Elbow extension
Wrist flexion
Radial C6,7
Wrist extension
Thumb abduction
Finger flexion
Finger extension
Finger abduction
Sensory area for axillary nerve
Area under the shoulder on both sides
Sensory area for musculocutaneous nerve
Lateral part of forearm
Sensory area for radial nerve
Lateral part of forearm then posterior forearm
Back of hand
Sensory area for median nerve
Palmar lateral 3 and a half fingers
Sensory area for ulnar nerve
Lateral 1 and a half fingers
Muscle for thumb adduction
Nerve for knee flexion
Sciatic S1
Nerve for knee extension
Femoral L3,4
Inferior gluteal
Femoral L2
Nerve for hip flexion
Nerve for ankle dorsiflexion
Common peroneal
Nerve for ankle plantarflexion
Nerve for toe flexion
Deep peroneal
Root for knee reflex
Root for ankle reflex
Nerve for toe extension
Common peroneal
Common peroneal sensory nerve area
Dorsum of foot and lateral lower leg
Femoral nerve stretch test vs straight leg raise test
Straight leg raise will induce pain in buttocks or posterior thigh if S1-S2/sciatic nerve compression
Femoral nerve stretch test involves lying on back and extending hip with knee flexed- pain in anterio thigh= L2/4/ femoral nerve compression
S1 compression
Sensory loss posterolateral aspect of leg and lateral aspect of foot
Weakness in plantar flexion of foot
Reduced ankle reflex
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
L3 compression
Sensory loss over anterior thigh
Weak hip flexion, knee extension and hip adduction
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
L4 compression
Sensory loss anterior aspect of knee and medial malleolus
Weak knee extension and hip adduction
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
L5 compression
Sensory loss dorsum of foot
Weakness in foot and big toe dorsiflexion
Reflexes intact
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
Where is lesion in INO
MLF on side of eye unable to adduct
What use to keep delirious patient on ward