Anatomical Terminology Flashcards
What is the Anatomical Position?
- Face Forward with eyes and toes pointing in the same direction
- Legs close together, Feet parallel
- Arms to the side, Palms facing forward
What are the 5 body segments?
What do they consist of?
Head Neck Trunk (Thorax and Abdomen) Lower Extremity ( Feet, Legs, Thighs) Upper Extremity ( Hands, Forearms, Arm)
Compare Anterior - Posterior
Compare Superior - Inferior
Compare Medial - Lateral
Front of body- back of body
Above - Below
Towards midline - Away from midline
Compare radius and ulna, in terms of being on the Lateral and Medial sides of the forearm
Radius- Lateral side of forearm
Ulna- Medial side of forearm
What are synonyms for;
1- Anterior and Posterior
2- Superior and Inferior
1- Ventral and Dorsal
2- Cranial and Caudal ( Close to head/ close to feet)
Compare Proximal - Distal
Compare Protraction - Retraction
- Towards the trunk - Away from the trunk
2. Movement Parallel to ground away from trunk - towards trunk
Compare Superficial, Intermediate, Deep
Superficial- Closer to surface
Intermediate- Between a superficial and deep structure
Deep- Further from surface
Compare Supine and Prone
Compare Supination and Pronation of forearm
Supine - Lying straight with face pointing upwards
Prone- Lying straight with face pointing the ground
Supination: Forearm rotates so that palm faces forwards
Pronation: Foreaem rotates so that palm faces backwards
Compare Unilateral - Bilateral
Compare Ipsilateral - Contralateral
Refers to one side - Refers to both sides
On same side - on opposite sides
What are the Coronal, Sagittal, Transverse (Axial) planes
Coronal- Divides body into Front and Back
Saggital- Divides body into Left and Right
Axial- Divides body into Upper and Lower
What are the 10 regions of the lower limb?
Gluteal Region (Cheeks) Thigh Region (Anterior + Posterior) Knee Region (Anterior + Posterior) Leg Region ( Anterior + Posterior) Ankle Region (Anterior + Posterior) Foot Region
What is Circumduction?
What does it involve?
A motion that describes a circular pattern
Involves: Flexion, Extension, Adduction, Abduction
What are the specialist terms associated with Hand and Foot movement
When describing movement terms, movements are;
- At joints
- In a given plane
- With reference to an anatomical position
Define Flexion, Extension, Hyperextension
Flexion: Bending movement of one bone on another, decreasing joint angle
Extension: Straightening movement of one bone on another, increasing joint angle
Hyper: Continuation of extension, beyond the anatomical position
- Palmar Flexion
- Plantar Flexion
- Dorsifelxion
- Flexion at wrist so that palm faces trunk
- Flexion at ankle so that sole faces trunk
- Extension at whistle and ankle joints so that dorsal surfaces face trunk
Define Abduction and Adduction
Abduction: Movement away from midline of body
Adduction: Movement towards midline of body
Describe Radilal and Ulnal Deviation
R: Hand moves laterally towards thumb
U: Hand moves medially away from thumb (Towards little finger)
Describe Inversion and Eversion
I: Inward movement of sole at ankle
E: Outward movement of sole at ankle
Describe Opposition and Reposition
O: Making thumb and little finger meet
R: Thumb and little finger move away from each other