Anat and Phys Flashcards
What does the acronym PD VITAMIN C stand for?
Categories of Systemic Disease Psychiatric/Functional Drugs/Toxins Vascular Infectious Traumatic Autoimmune/Allergy Metabolic Endocrine Idiopathic/Iatrogenic Neoplastic Congenital
What CN closes the eye?
CN 7= Orbicularis Oculi
What CN opens the eyelid?
CN3= Levator palpebrae superioris
What part of the orbit is effected in a blowout fracture?
Inferior wall of Orbit
What are the two living layers of the cornea?
What happens to the lense as we age?
Gets thicker => Cataracts
What gets clogged in open angle glaucoma?
Trabecular meshwork
What is Scotoma?
Reduced or absent vision
What is Hemianopia?
Loss of 1/2 of Visual Field
What is Homonymous?
Either right or left visual field loss
What causes Discedema?
Choking off of Axoplasmic flow
Why are there no BVs running across the macula?
They would interfere with vision
What is the goal of metabolism in the lense?
Maintenence of transparency
Glucose gets to the lense from aqueous humor
What is the effect of Sorbitol metabolism in the lense?
Swelling of the lense, lense edema, separation of layers and loss of transparency
Can take up to 6 weeks for sorbitol to metabolize to fructose and diffuse out
What parts of eye are most responsible for Refractive power?
Cornea 2/3
Lense 1/3
What is Astigmatism?
Refractive power of cornea/lense is different in one meridian than another
What is Hyperopia?
Farsighted- Axial length too short
What is Myopia?
Nearsighted- axial length too long
What is Presbyopia?
Dec ability to focus at near with age