Anaesthetics Flashcards
What is general anaesthesia?
What are the 5 goals of anaesthesia?
What are the two types of general anaesthesia?
What does the term balanced anaesthesia mean?
How do we select anaesthetics?
List the patient factors and outline the issue with each factor.
What is ‘halogenated hydrocarbon-induced malignant hyperthermia’ and why is it an important patient factor?
What is the drug of choice for the treatment of Malignant hyperthermia crisis?
What is a consequence of muscle breakdown?
What is the purpose of pre-anaesthetic medications?
What sort of pre -anaesthetics are there?
What are the stages of anaesthesia and what happens during each stage?
What sort of anaesthesia do we give children without IV access in the inductions stage?
What should be done after administrating the initial anaesthesia?
How do modern inhalation anaesthetics work?
What affects the movement of inhalation anaesthetics?
What is Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)?
What is the inverse of MAC?
How can MAC be expressed?
How does the uptake and distribution of inhalation anaesthetics work?
When can a steady state (SS) be achieved?
What factors determine the time course for attaining Steady State?
What is succinylcholine used for?
Why does it take certain anaesthetics longer to “wash out” than others? Give an example.
What is the mechanism of action of anaesthetics?
What sort of vital signs are measured in the maintenance stage?
What is monitored in the recovery stage?
What are the depth of anaesthesia and what occurs to the patient in each depth?
What occurs in the 4 planes of surgical anaesthesia?
What plane do we want to keep the patient at?
What effect does drug solubility have on the recovery time?
What are the 5 inhalational anaesthetics used to induce or maintain general anaesthesia?
What are the 5 intravenous anaesthetics used to induce or maintain general anaesthesia?
What group of medications can be used to accompany general anaesthetics?
Ketamine and nitrous oxide are known to inhibits a group of receptors. What receptors are these?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Halothane?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of enflurane?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of desflurane?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of sevoflurane?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of methoxyflurane?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Nitrous oxide (N2O)?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Xenon?
Discuss the types of intravenous anaesthetics available.
What sort of other anaesthetics are available on the market?
Compare and contrast the different types of anaesthetics available.
What anaesthetics are suitable for children?
What sort of problems are associated with anaesthetics?