Amphetamines and Convulsants Flashcards
Identifying traits of ephedra
perennial shrub native to Asia, adapted to grow in dry habitats; ancient lineage of gymnosperms
How is ephedra used in China?
improve circulation, increase blood pressure, promote perspiration and reduce fever; also as an antihistamine and decongestant; cough remedy
Who referred to ephedron as a plant used to cure coughing and alleviate hemorrhaging?
What’s the active secondary product of ephedra and how does it work?
ephedrine, an amphetamine-like compound; central nervous system stimulant that increases blood pressure and raises heart rate; has anti-histaminic properties
How was ephedra used in western medicine?
dilate the pupil, increase blood pressure, treat asthma and hay fever, and counteract overdoses of depressant drugs like alcohol, barbiturates and morphine
What are amphetamines?
stimulants that reduce fatigue by temporarily increasing overall mental and physical activity, speech, and concentration; they stimulate the nervous system by mimicking neurotransmitters
What is pseudoephedrine?
A stereoisomer of ephedrine
Why was ephedra a popular herbal remedy and nutritional supplement?
it was used to promote weight loss and improve athletic performance
What was used during World War II to enhance and extend performance?
amphetamine or benzedrine (pep pills)
What drug was involved in the first recorded stimulant abuse epidemic?
Describe methamphetamine
a semi-synthetic amphetamine; produces an immediate rush of energy, sense of power, and feeling of well being; more potent and addictive than ephedrine
Describe methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
aka ecstasy; derivative of meth, high dosages may lead to depression, memory loss, and insomnia; small doses are useful in treating PTSD; USFDA approved phase III clinical trials to investigate therapeutic use
Describe ketamine
general anesthetic; induces a trancelike state with associated sedative and analgesic effects; results in rapid increase in neurotransmitter glutamate, and increases dopamine activity in the brain; may be useful in treating severe depression
What is the K-hole?
a potentially dangerous dissociate state that causes visual and auditory hallucinations (from ketamine)
Describe methylphenidate
aka Ritalin; used to treat hyperactive children; “fen-phen” used to promote weight loss
Identifying traits of strychnine/nux-vomica
deciduous tree, native to Asia and Australia, same genus as curare
How are strychnine and curare different?
Strychnine is a muscle convulsant and curare is a muscle relaxant
What are symptoms of strychnine poisoning?
agitation, then uncontrolled muscle spasms and convulsions; high doses cause convulsions that cause collapse of vital organ function
Strychnine facts
was used as rat poison, alkaloid strychnine occurs in all parts of the plant, was used as a homicide poison
How was strychnine used medicinally?
effective nervous system stimulant; recommended as a cure for fever and snakebites, to stimulate gastrointestinal tract, improve blood circulation, treat overdoses of depressants