American Revolution, French Revolution, Latin American Revolution. Flashcards
How did Mercantilism cause the American Revolution?
American Revolution was caused by mercantilism because the British wanted the Americans to buy their manufactured goods.
What caused the American Revolution?
The American Revolution is caused by mercantilism, salutary neglect, French and Indian War (aka Seven Years’ War).
How did Salutary Neglect cause the American Revolution?
American Revolution was caused by salutary neglect because the Americans were left alone for many years as Britain was busy fighting it’s own wars in Europe and they learned to be self sufficient. (1700s–1750s)
How did the French and Indian War (aka Seven Years’ War) cause the American Revolution?
The American Revolution was caused by the French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War) because it was Britain vs. France where the US supported Britain and Native Americans supported France. Britain won and France lost.
What is the Proclamation of 1763?
The Proclamation of 1763 was that Britain made law that reserved all the land west of the Appalachian Mountains for the Native Americans. Britain could not enforce it.
What happened when Britain decided to tax the colonies to pay for the expensive war?
A. Stamp act— put a tax on most printed materials. (newspaper, wills, deed, official court documents)
B. Tea act— people reacted by throwing the British tea into the Boston Harbor. (Boston Tea Party)
What is the Road of Revolution?
The Road of Revolution is when colonists protested, boycotted British goods, and claimed “no taxation with out representation”.
When did the American Revolution start?
The American Revolution started in 1775 and ended in 1783.
What happened in the American Revolution?
A. Lexington and Concord— British soldiers and colonists met early in the morning and shots were fired and the American Revolution began.
B. Declaration of Independence— Thomas Jefferson wrote a document that declares that the colonists wanted to be free from Great Britain and stated reasons why.
Why did the Americans win?
A. The British were overconfident: they had the strongest army in the world at the time but made many mistakes.
B. Americans had “home-court” advantage: they knew the land and their supplies were close by. (Britain’s supplies were 3,000 miles overseas)
C. Americans felt more strongly about fighting: some British citizens did not want to spend more money and time fighting the war.
F. America had alliance (partnership) with France: France agreed to help them fight the British.
~Revenge for 7 Years War.
~After Americans won, Battle of Saratoga.
^turning point.
What happened during Road to Revolution?
Battle of Yorktown: last battle of the American Revolution. American army and French navy trapped British at Yorktown, Virginia and Lord Cadwallis surrendered.
What is the Article of Confederation?
Article of Confederation is the first government of the United States. It had a very weak national government that only had a little power because people did not want another king or tyrant.
- no president.
- *no Supreme Court.
- **to make change to the Article of Confederation, all the states had to agree. (Impossible to change)
What is Shays’s Rebellion?
Shays’s Rebellion is when Daniel Shays and angry farmers began to rebel in August 1786 by closing down courthouses to prevent foreclosures.
What is the Constitution?
Constitution is a document that created a stronger national government which the United States’ government continues to follow this government today.
~Established three separate branches of government: legislative (congress), executive (president), and judicial (Supreme Court).
What is a federal system?
A federal system is where power is divided between national and state governments.
What is the Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments (changes to the constitution).
What does the First Amendment state?
The First Amendment states the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to peacefully assemble, freedom of the press (can write and print what you want).
What does the Second Amendment state?
The Second Amendment states the right to hear arms (own guns).
What does the Fourth Amendment state?
The Fourth Amendment states the right from unlawful search and seizures.
What does the Eighth Amendment state?
The Eighth Amendment states the right from cruel and unusual punishment.
What is the French Society?
The French Society was when France was ruled by a king and society was divided into three estates (social classes).
What were the three estates?
The three estates were nobility, peasants, and clergy.
What is the first estate?
The first estate is the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church.
~less than 1% of population.
~clergy said no.
~church owned 10# of land.
What is the second estate?
The second estate is nobles.
~2% of population.
~nobles paid very little taxes. (2% of their own income)
~nobles owned 20% of land.
What is the third estate?
The third estate is peasants (everyone else: bourgeoisie— middle class: workers, peasants).
~97% of population.
~paid high taxes; 10% went to tithes (a church tax)– 50% of income went to government.
~owned 70% of land (not a lot).
What caused the French Revolution?
Taxes and the Enlightenment caused the French Revolution.
Queen Marie Antoinette
~from Austria who is France’s enemy.
~spent money on gowns, jewelry, entertainment and gambling.
~nicknamed “Madam Deficit”.
~people claimed that she said “let them eat cake” when she didn’t.
*people thought she did and made them mad.
What were political problems of the French Revolution?
Political Problems in the French Revolution were they each estate counts as one and third estate always loses.
What is the National Assembly?
The Third Estate got fed up and formed the National Assembly to represent the French people and pass new laws and reforms. This was the first act of the French Revolution and was the end of the absolute monarchy.
~Tennis Court Oath— said they would stay together until they had created a new constitution for France.
What is the Bastille?
Bastille is a jail in Paris.
What happened to Bastille?
People in Paris attacked Bastille to gather gunpowder to fight the King’s soldiers.
~They freed some prisoners and killed some guards. The guards were beheaded and their heads were put on pikes and parades through the streets.
It was a symbolic attack on the King because the jail represented royal power.
~July 14th is still known as Bastille day in France and it is similar to our Independence Day. (July 4th)
What is The Great Fear?
The Great Fear is when peasants all over France attacked nobles’ homes to destroy their tax records or burn down their homes.
What happened in the March on Versailles?
Women in Paris also marched on Versailles to demand that the government lower the price of bread. They were very angry and broke into Versailles, killed some guards and demanded the King and Queen to return to Paris.
What were the state reforms of the French Revolution?
A. The National Assembly wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Men and of the Citizen.
~All men are born free and with equal rights, such as the equal justices, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of religion. The rights were influenced by Voltaire.
B. Women did not have these rights. Olympe de Gouges wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women but it was rejected.
C. The slogan for the French Revolution was “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”. (Fraternity means brotherhood.)
D. Escape— The king and queen felt they were in danger and tried to escape to Austria but they were caught and returned to France. This made more people distrust them.
What were the divisions and wars of the French Revolution?
A. In September 1791, France was a limited constitutional monarchy.
~The real power was with the Legislative Assembly into 3 groups.
•Radicals– did not like king and wanted more changes in government.
•Moderate– want some changes but not as much as radicals.
•Conservatives– want to keep the king and didn’t want changes in government.
B. France went to war with Austria and Prussia because their nobles and kings were afraid the revolution in France would affect their own power. Austria and Prussia wanted the French to put King Louis XVI back on the throne. The war continues throughout the rest of the revolution.
What happens when France becomes a republic?
A. France becomes a republic when the National Convention takes the place of the Legislative Assembly.
~A republic is a government in which the leader is not a king and the people have a vote and have representatives in the government.
B. Many of the changes were influenced by one political party, the Jacobins. They were radicals.
C. The National Convention declares that Louis XVI is a traitor and be heads him. They killed the king.
What is the Reign of Terror?
The Reign of Terror was a phase of the French Revolution that lasted a year where many people, who were thought to be enemies of the revolution, were killed. It was a very violent and fearful phase.
Who was behind the Reign of Terror?
The man behind the Reign of Terror was Maximilen Robespierre. He ruled France as dictator. He was the head of the Committee of Public Safety, which was supposed to protect the Revolution from its enemies. The committee was the real power in France.
What was the main weapon to kill in the Reign of Terror?
The main weapon to kill was guillotine. It was a machine that suspended a blade in the air and drop it to cut someone’s head off. 40,000 people were killed in a year. One of them was Marie Antoinette. However, 85% of people were from the third estate. This ends when Robespierre was arrested and killed by the guillotine.
What was the Directory?
The Directory was a group of five men who ran the French government after the Reign of Terror.
~they were moderates but some were also corrupt. They came to power because the people were tired of radicalism, the terror and high prices.
Who is Napoleon Bohaparte?
Napoleon was one of the world’s greatest military geniuses who began his career as a young officer in the French army and later became emperor of France. (1769-1821)
How did Napoleon become the savior of the French Republic?
Napoleon defended the National Convention from an attack by royalists and became famous as the savior of the French Republic.
What did the Directory appoint Napoleon to do?
The Directory appointed Napoleon to lead the French army against Austria and the kingdom of Sardinia and won. Lost the battle in Egypt, did not let French people find out.
When the Directory lost control of France, what did Napoleon do?
The Directory lost control of France and Napoleon stages a coup d’état (sudden seizure of power by overthrowing the existing government) and took over as the dictator of France.
What was Napoleon able to do?
Napoleon was able to end the wars with Britain, Austria and Russia by 1803 and Napoleon could focus his energies on restoring order in France.
How did Napoleon rule France and restores order at home?
A. He set up an efficient method of tax collection and established a national banking system. The government had a steady supply of money and had better control of the economy.
B. Fired corrupted officials and et up lycées (government run public schools) to train officials.
C. Signed a concordat (agreement) with the Pope which said that the government recognized the influence of the church but rejected church control in national affairs.
D. Established the Napoleonic Code which established one set of laws for the entire country.
~every French was equal before law.
~took rights away from women, punished criminals harshly, and banned labor unions.
E. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself emperor.
How did Napoleon create an empire?
A. By the loss of American territories.
B. The lost of control of the French colony.
C. Conquering Europe— gaining control of most Europe by:
~invading them and then setting up a puppet government with a leader that he had control over. (Typically a family member or close friend.)
~making alliances with them.
What did Napoleon’s empire include?
At the height of Napoleon’s power from 1807–1812, Napoleon’s empire included almost all of Europe except for the Ottoman Empire and Britain: France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland and parts of Germany and Italy.
~also allied with Austria, RUSSIA, Denmark, Sweden, and Prussia.
What was Napoleon’s most important battle?
He fought the British at the naval Battle of Trafalgar but was defeated by Horatio Nelson which forced Napoleon to give up his plans for invading Britain.
When Napoleon’s empire collapses, what was his costly mistakes?
A. The continental system— a policy that forbid the European continent from trading with Britain; to destroy the British economy.
B. The Peninsular War (1808–1814): Spain fought against the French invading army.
C. The Invasion of Russia: In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia.
What happened when Napoleon enforced the continental system?
The British was still able to smuggle groups in anyways and the stronger British navy began to successfully blockade Europe.
What happened to Napoleon and his army during the Peninsular War (1808–1814)?
~Napoleon invaded to send his army to Portugal to force them to agree to the continental system.
~Spain attacked the French because Napoleon removed their king and made his brother, Joseph, King and they were afraid he would attack the Catholic Church in Spain.
~Spain fought in groups known as guerrillas (small groups of people who ambush (surprise attack) they enemy and then flees) which weakened the French empire.
What happened when Napoleon tried to invade Russia in 1812?
~Russia retreated and practiced a scorched-earth policy (burning and destroy anything that must be left behind so that the enemy could not use it).
~Napoleon retreated from Russia throughout the winter and Russian raiders attacked them.
~Napoleon came to Russia with 420,000 soldiers but left with 10,000.
What cause Napoleon’s downfall?
~most of Europe declared war on Napoleon, defeated him and exiled him to Elba.
~Louis XVI’s brother, Louis XVIII becomes kid but he was unpopular.
~Napoleon escaped from Elba, marched to Paris, and became emperor of France for a hundred days.
~Europe’s armies attacked and defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.
~exiled Napoleon to St. Helena and he died there from stomach cancer.
How was the Congress of Vienna developed?
European leaders met to establish policies for long-lasting peace and stability for Europe from 1814–1815.
Who led the Congress of Vienna?
The Congress of Vienna was led by Prince ankle men’s Von METTERNICH of Austria who distrusted democratical ideals.
Why was the Congress of Vienna a victory for conservatives?
The goal of the conservatives were:
A. Wanted to prevent future French aggression by surrounding France with strong countries.
B. Restored a BALANCE OF POWER so that no country would he a threat to others.
C. Restored Europe’s royal families to the throne.
What did the Congress of Vienna?
The Congress of Vienna restored Europe back to the way it was before the French Revolution, including the Europe boundaries.
What is the Concert of Europe?
Alliances between European countries that said they would help one another of revolutions broke out.
What did the Congress of Vienna have to do with the Long-Term Legacy?
A. Many people on the lower classes remained commuted to the ideals of liberty and democracy.
B. Decreased the power of France; increased the power of Britain and Prussia.
C. Nationalism (loyalty and devotion to one’s country) began to spread in Italy, Germany, Greece, and would later lead to Revolution.
D. Led to Latin American Revolution.
What five groups were the colonial society divided into?
Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattos, Native Indians and Black Slaves.
Who were the peninsulares?
Peninsulares are people who had been born in Spain. (Only ones that can be in charge of government.)
(Top of the social pyramid.)
Who were the Creoles?
Creoles were spainards born in Latin America. (Spanish decent)
(Second of the social pyramid.)
What could the Creoles and Peninsulares control?
The Creoles and Peninsulares controlled land, wealth, and power in Spanish colonies.
What could the Creoles not do?
Creoles cannot hold government but can hold military positions.
Who were the mestizos?
Mestizos were persons of mixed Europeans and Indian ancestry.
(First half of the third row in the social pyramid.)
Who were the mulattos?
Mulattos were persons of mixed European and African ancestry.
(Second half of the third row in the social pyramid.)
Where were the Native Indians and Black Slaves in the social pyramid?
Bottom of the social pyramid.
What did African slaves work in?
500,000 African slaves worked on plantations and outnumbered their masters. The slaves were brutalized by their masters.
How did the slaves get freed during the French Revolution?
During the French Revolution, people in Haiti led by Toussaint L’OUVERTURE. He freed all the slaves by 1801.
What happened to L’Ouverture in 1802?
In 1802, French armies landed in Saint Domingue and sent L’Ouverture to prison.
What happened in 1804?
In 1804, General Dessalines (took over from L’Ouverture) declared Haiti’s independence.
What was Haiti first at?
Haiti was the first black colony to free itself from European control.
Why is Haiti the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere?
Economic cause— reparations to France = $21 billion. (1804–1947)
Political cause— unstable government (late 1800s—early 1900s: 22 leaders in 55 years).
Social cause— Natural disaster.
What did the Latin American Creoles from the Venezuelan Revolution declare?
Latin American Creoles declared independence from Spain after Napoleon made his brother, Joseph, King in 1808 and rebellions broke out in 1810.
~Venezuela declared independence with a volunteer army of the revolutionaries led by Simon Bolivar (wealthy Venezuela creole).
What was the result of the independence?
Venezuela won independence in 1821; won against Spain.
What did Argentina declare?
Argentina declared independence in 1816 but the Spanish army in Chile and Peru was still a threat so Jose de San Martin (general from Argentina) led his army to Chile.
Who did Jose de San Martin meet in 1822?
Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin met in 1822 in Gauyaquil, Ecuador and San Martin left his army for Bolivar to command.
Who did Bolivar’s army defeat?
Bolivar’s army defeated the Spanish at the battle of Avacucho in 1824 and the Spanish colonies won their freedom.
When did the grito de Dolores happen? And what happened?
The grito de Dolores happened in September 16, 1810; Pedro (priest) Miguel Hidalgo rang the bells of his church and he issued a call for a rebellion against Spain.
~Hidalgo’s Indian and mestizo followers marched towards Mexico City but the Creoles feared the loss of their property and their lives so an army defeated him.
What did Spain experience in 1820?
Spain experienced a revolution in 1820 and a liberal group in Spain comes to power.
What did Mexican Creoles feared?
Mexican Creoles feared that they would lose their privileges so they united in support of independence.
What happened in 1821?
Agustin de Iturbide proclaimed independence in 1821.
What happened when Napoleon invaded Portugal?
When Napoleon invaded Portugal, Prince John and the royal family escaped by a boat to Brazil. Prince John govern for 14 years but returned to Portugal when Napoleon was defeated. Dom Pedro (Prince John’s son) stayed behind.
What happened in 1822?
In 1822, Creoles demanded Brazilian independence and Dom Pedro agreed to rule.