Age of Exploration Flashcards
Who is Christopher Columbus?
A. Christopher Columbus convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to finance his voyage to find a sea route to Asia in 1492.
B. Columbus landed on an island called San Salvador and “encountered” the native Taino people.
C. Made 3 voyages there.
D. Enslaved Indians and sent them back to Spain, forced them to search for gold (every Indian had to collect a certain amount of hold, those who did not had their hands cut off), forced Indians to work as spaces on encomiendas (big estates).
What does “for god, glory, and gold” mean?
A. Desire to spread Christianity.
B. Europeans wanted spices and other luxury goods from Asia and were trying to find new trade routes to Asia.
Who was in charge of the Taino genocide?
Christopher Columbus was in charge of the Taino genocide because he forced them to search for gold.
Who financed Columbus’s voyage to America?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain.
What did Columbus name the place that he arrived?
San Salvador.
What are encomiendas?
Encomiendas are huge estates where Indians work as slaves.
What is the Treaty of Tordesillas? And when was it made?
The Treaty of Tordesillas is established by Pope Alexander VI that divided land in South America between Spain and Portugal.
It was made in 1494.
What were the results of the Treaty? Who “got the better deal”?
Spain ended up getting the west side of South America and Portugal got the east side or South America. Spain got the better deal because they didn’t know South America was bigger than how it showed in the map.
What are conquistadors?
Conquistadors are conquerors in Mexico.
Who is Hernando Cortes and how did he conquer Aztec?
A. Hernando Cortes and a group reached the capital of Aztecs.
B. Montezuma (Aztec Emperor) initially thought Cortes was a god and gave him gold.
C. Cortes eventually conquered the Aztecs in 1521 because of better weaponry (steel, armor, swords) and horses; the help of the Aztecs’ enemies; the help of a native translator (Malinche); disease (small pox).
What is the capital of the Aztecs Empire?
The capital of the Aztecs Empire is Tenochtitlan.
Who is Montezuma?
Montezuma is Aztec Emperor that initially thought Cortes was a god and gave him gold.
Who is Malinche?
Malinche is the native translator that helped Cortes overcome the Aztec Empire.
What is the importance of diseases?
Disease helped conquer Aztecs because it was a big killer in population. (Examples of Diseases —Small Pox)
Where is modern day Aztec?
Modern day Aztec is Mexico.
Who is Francisco Pizarro?
Francisco Pizarro and conquistadors conquered the Incan empire in 1533 by marching into the capital of Cajamarca, kidnapping the emperor, Atahuapla, slaughtering over 7,000 Incan nobles without a single loss of Spanish lives.
Who is Atahuapla?
Atahuapla is the emperor during the fall of the Incan empire.
What is the Triangle Trade?
The Triangle Trade is a trade that involved slaves and other products, like manufactures, cotton, rum, and tobacco, between Africa, Americas, and Europe.
Where is modern day Inca?
Modern Day Inca is Chile and Peru.
Who is Amerigo Vespucci?
Amerigo Vespucci explored eastern coast of South America — America is named after him.
Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangle Trade): What is the reason for the Triangle Trade?
The reason for the Triangle Trade is that the Europeans died of disease because they were not immune and Native Americans were put to death because they were worked too hard by their owners.
Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangle Trade): What is the Middle Passage?
The Middle Passage across the Atlantic Ocean is a sea route across the Atlantic Ocean that the Africans were held captive and died from disease, thrown overboard, and lack of supplies.
What is the Columbian Exchange?
The Columbian Exchange is a cultural exchange of good, crops, livestocks, and disease between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. (Between the western and eastern hemisphere).
Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangle Trade): What is the consequences of the Atlantic Slave Trade?
The Social Consequences of the Atlantic Slave Trade (Triangle Trade) is that Africa is left with less men and less productive (the Africans that helped captured slaves received alcohol, cloth, and guns); began to have own plantations by 19th century; impact on Africa:
•slave trading brought status and power to kingdoms.
•trade spread into interior and along western and Central African coast.
•warfare wages over control in slave trade.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
Ferdinand Magellan and his crew were the first people to circumnavigate the world/globe.
What items were exchanged in the Columbian Exchange?
The exchange of good, crops, livestocks, and diseases.
From Americas to Europe and Africa: avocado, vanilla, pineapple, potato, corn, squash, and tomato
From Europe and Africa and Asia to Americas: banana, pear, onion, coffee bean, grape, sugar cane, turnip;
Disease: small pox, influenza, typhus, measles, malaria, diphtheria, whooping cough.
Livestock: cattle, sheep, pig, horse.
Grains: wheat, rice, barley, oats.
What is mercantilism?
Mercantilism is a belief that each nation’s goal was to have a favorable balance of trade. (Export more than it imported) believed that colonies were found to benefit the mother country. (Make money)
- Every country wants to be rich by selling more than buy.
- *Example—We are massively in debt with China.
Who is Pedro Alvares Cabral?
Pedro Alvares Cabral claimed Brazil for Portugal.