America's Economic Transformation (Chapters 14, 15 and 16) Flashcards
Pacific Railway Act
-Fed Gov
-125 Million Acres
-Union Pacific (West from Omaha, NE)
-Central Pacific (East from Sacramento, CA)
-Transcontinental Railroad
a series of acts of Congress that promoted the construction of a “transcontinental railroad” (the Pacific Railroad) in the United States through authorizing the issuance of government bonds and the grants of land to railroad companies
-Cattle Industry
a professional pastoralist or mounted livestock herder, usually from the Americas or Australia
Jane Addams
-Hull House
-Social Work
an American settlement activist, reformer, social worker, sociologist, public administrator, philosopher, and author
Sitting Bull
-Sioux to Black Hills
a Hunkpapa Lakota leader who led his people during years of resistance against United States government policies
an area of land held and governed by a U.S. federal government-recognized Native American tribal nation, whose government is autonomous, subject to regulations passed by the United States Congress and administered by the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs, and not to the U.S. state government in which it is located
-Raided AZ & NM
-Turned himself in
a military leader and medicine man from the Bedonkohe band of the Ndendahe Apache people
Dawes Act
-Civilize Native Americans
regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States
-US Army 7th cavalry (200 soldiers)
-Attacked against orders
-2000 to 4000 Sioux & Cheyenne
-7th Dead
-“Custer’s Last Stand”
a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars
Helen Hunt Jackson
-“A Century of Dishonor”
-Government mistreatment of Native Americans
an American poet and writer who became an activist on behalf of improved treatment of Native Americans by the United States government
Sand Creek
-Col. Chivington
-700 Volunteers
-Chief Black Kettle
-200+ Cheyennes killed (Woman & Children)
a massacre of Cheyenne and Arapaho people by the U.S. Army in the American Indian Wars that occurred on November 29, 1864, when a 675-man force of the Third Colorado Cavalry under the command of U.S. Volunteers Colonel John Chivington attacked and destroyed a village of Cheyenne and Arapaho people in southeastern Colorado Territory, killing and mutilating an estimated 70 to over 600 Native American people
Thomas Edison
-1000 patents
-Light bulb
-Motion pictures
-First Power Plant
an American inventor and businessman
-No competition in an industry
a market in which one person or company is the only supplier of a particular good or service
robber barons
-Exploited workers
-Corrupted the Government
-Offered Bribes
-Above the Law
a term first applied as social criticism by 19th century muckrakers and others to certain wealthy, powerful, and unethical 19th-century American businessmen
-Dominated Steel Industry
-Sold to JP Morgan
-1st $ Billion dollar industry
a Scottish-American industrialist and philanthropist
Wounded Knee
-Massacre (1890)
-Chief Big Foot
-Pine Ridge Reservation
-Wants peace
-150 Sioux 30 soldiers killed
-Bloody End of the Conflict
the massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers of the United States Army
Pullman Strike
-Pullman lowered wages & didn’t lower rent
-American Railway Union led by Eugene Debs
two interrelated strikes in 1894 that shaped national labor policy in the United States during a period of deep economic depression
Black Kettle
-Sand Creek Massacre
a leader of the Southern Cheyenne during the American Indian Wars
Chisholm Trail
a trail used in the post-Civil War era to drive cattle overland from ranches in southern Texas, crossed the Red River into Indian Territory, and ended at Kansas rail stops
“Seward’s Folly”
-US bought Alaska
the purchase of Alaska from the Russian Empire by the United States for a sum of $7.2 million in 1867 (equivalent to $129 million in 2023)
Homestead Act
-Receive land after 5 years
-Must Farm
several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain, typically called a homestead
Colonel Chivington
-Sand Creek Massacre
a Methodist pastor and Mason who served as a colonel in the United States Volunteers during the New Mexico Campaign of the American Civil War
Gospel of Wealth
-Wealthy has to improve society
-Donated $350 M to Charity
an essay written by Andrew Carnegie in June of 1889 that describes the responsibility of philanthropy by the new upper class of self-made rich
Little Bighorn
-Battle of Little Bighorn
-Southern Montana
-Gen. George Custer
a 138-mile-long (222 km) tributary of the Bighorn River in the United States in the states of Montana and Wyoming
Horacio Alger
-“Rags to riches”
-Laissez Faire
-“To let people do as they choose”
an American author who wrote young adult novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to middle-class security and comfort through good works