ALS Lecture 3 - Introduction to General Examination and Clinical Reasoning DONE Flashcards
health literacy skills give people the motivation and ability to
access, understand and use info to promote and maintain good health
43% of adults are below
expected literacy level at 16
system review general questions
weight loss, night sweats, any lumps, fatigue, generally unwell, appetite
system review cardiorespiratory questions
chest pain, breathlessness, PND, oedema, palpitations, cough, wheeze, haemoptysis
system review GI questions
abdo pain, swallowing, indigestion, n/v, bowels, tenesmus, melaena, blood
system review genitourinary questions
incontinence, dysuria, nocturia, polyuria, hesitancy, terminal dribble, discharge, menses
system review neurological questions
seizures, faints, headache, paraesthesia/numbness, limb weakness, speech issues, psychiatric symptoms
system review MSK questions
pain, stiffness, swelling, change through day, loss of function
clinical reasoning (5 steps)
- symptom
- dds
- distinguishing features
- explanations for features
- question to gather info
how do experts make a diagnosis when the presentation is familiar (easy)? (3)
intuition, pattern recognition, pathognomonic presentations
how do experts make a diagnosis when the presentation is more complex (hard)? (3)
deliberate analytical approach, extensive info gathering, consider many factors
things needed to implement clinical reasoning (4)
- purposeful info gathering
- ask qs about DDs
- summarise
- red flags
factors contributing to clinical reasoning (6)
epidemiology, meta-cognitive awareness, surgical sieve, communication skills, hypothetico-deductive reasoning, pathophysiology
older ppl more likely to get degenerative conditions, cancer, whereas younger people more likely to get infections
pathology of body systems
hypothetico-deductive reasoning
ask Qs to rule things in and out, narrow DDs
surgical sieve
V - vascular I - infective/inflammatory T - trauma A - autoimmune M - metabolic I - iatrogenic N - neoplastic
C - congenital
D - degenerative
E - endocrine/environmental
F - functional
metacognitive awareness
have insight into where errors and biases may happen in your thinking
general physical examination order
hands, eyes, mouth, neck, axillae, groin, ankle
for general physical examination, the bed should be at ________ degrees
when looking for abnormalities, we should always look from…
end of the bed
when examining the hands, we should look for
tremor, muscle wasting, peripheral cyanosis, splinter haemorrhage, clubbing, palmar erythema, capillary refill time, hydration status
splinter haemorrhage
tiny blood clot under nail, caused by trauma or infective endocarditis
pt put hands in heart shape, diamond gap, caused by lung cancer, infective endocarditis, cirrhosis, IBD, pulmonary sepsis, etc.
palmar erythema
red palms, caused by liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, thyrotoxicosis
capillary refill time
pinch nail see how long it takes to go back to normal colour, should be < 2 seconds
hydration status
pinch skin see if springs back, if not dehydration
when examining the face, we should look for
conjunctive and sclera, pull bottom eyelid down and ask pt to look up, pull top eyelid up and ask patient to look down, skin colour, lips and tongue colour, hydration status
pull bottom eyelid down and ask pt to look up
pale could be anaemia
pull top eyelid up and ask patient to look down
jaundice, redness, should be shiny, if not dehydration
lips and tongue colour
if blue, central cyanosis
hydration status
does mouth look moist?
when examining the neck, we should look for
cervical lymph nodes, supraclavicular lymph nodes, thyrid
supraclavicular lymph nodes
palpate from in front, Virchow’s node is L, lymphadenopathy of Virchow’s can mean gastric cancer
look and palpate to see if enlarged from behind, ask pt to swallow see if it moves
when examining the axillae, we should look for
lymph nodes
lymph nodes of axillae
ask pt to put hand on your shoulder and use the arm they are resting on to palpate axilla in diamond shape
when examining the groin, we should look for
lymph nodes
lymph nodes of groin
ask examiner if want you to palpate them
when examining the ankle, we should look for
oedema, pitting oedema
palpate behind medial malleolus
pitting oedema
press firmly on skin above ankle, see if it rebounds, run finger over to check for dent