Alexander III Flashcards
Land captains replaced justices of the peace in…
Alex III’s nickname?
Tsar Repressor
What were land captains?
Members of the gentry chosen to control the peasants - their power superseded the Mir
What did Alex III do to universities?
Centralised them and brought strict controls on them, reducing student freedom
What did Alex III do to uni fees?
Decree restricting access to education under Alex III?
1887 decree to prevent children from humble backgrounds being ‘encouraged to abandon the social environment to which they belong’
How many students at the end of Alex IIIs rule?
What % of the population could vote under Alex III?
0.7% of the population in Moscow and st Petersburg
Statute concerning measures for the protection of state security and social order? When and what?
1881, gave government power to: increase repression of tsarist critics, prohibit gatherings of 12+, introduce emergency political rule, suspend habeas corpus, close schools unis and newspapers
1881 statute…
Concerning measures for the protection of state security and social order
Manifesto on unshakeable autocracy?
When was the Zemstva act?
What did the Zemstva act do?
Reduced Zemstvas powers and independence, centralising gov control
How many executions under Alex III?
What was the Okhrana?
Secret police from 1881