Alcohols Flashcards
What is a primary alcholhol
Where the carbon attached to the oh group is attached to one other carbon
What is a secondary alcohol
Where the carbon attached to the OH group is attached to two carbons
What happens to soluability as chain length of alcohol’s increases
Reduces as the overall polarity of the molecule decreases
Substitution of OH with a halide ion to make a haloalkane
Requires an acid such as H2SO4
OH group is replaced by the halide ion and the OH- ion is added to the other ion
eg: NaBr —– Na OH
Dehydration of alcohols
This is an elimination reaction of water
Mixed with an acid catalyst (H3PO4) and heated
The OH group combines with an adjacent Hgroup to form water and is released forming a double bond
There is usually 2 sides that this can occur on making 2 possible products
Oxidisation of primary alcohols
Using acidified potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7/ \H+)
[O] distil ——- aldehyde
2[O] reflux —— carboxylic acid
Oxidation of secondary alcohols
Using acidified potassium dischrtomte (K2Cr2O7/H+)
[O] reflux —– ketone
Cna tertiary alcohol be oxidise
absaloutly not