Alcohol and Tobacco Flashcards
What is a psychoactive drug?
A chemical substance that changes the function of the nervous system and results in alterations of perception, mood, cognition, and behavior.
What does a depressant drug do?
It slows down the brain and body reactions.
What is ethanol and where is it found?
It is a type of alcohol/toxic substance found in plastics, lacquers, gasoline, and drugs.
What is one major component in alcohol?
What is fermentation?
The process of making alcohol.
What is the alcohol content for beer, wine, and hard liquor?
Beer is up to 4%. Wine is up to 10%. Hard liquor (whiskey, vodka, etc.) is up to 50%
What are the five factors that influence teen drinking?
- Peer pressure (main)
- Family
- Media
- Escape reality
- Boredom
Where does alcohol go after consumption?
It goes directly into the bloodstream.
What is intoxication?
A state in which a person’s mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol.
What are 4 effects of intoxication?
- Loss of judgement
- Loss of self-control
- Loss of inhibitions (you do things you would not normally do)
- Blackouts (cannot recall events)
What is Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)? What is percentage in which you are classified as drunk?
The amount of alcohol in a person’s blood, expressed as a percentage. 0.1% means that one-tenth of 1% of the fluid in the blood is alcohol. Anything at 0.08% or over is considered drunk.
What are the four factors that affect BAC?
- Rate of consumption
- Gender (women will get drunk faster)
- Body size
- Amount of food in the stomach
What is binge drinking?
The consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol in one sitting (Extremely dangerous)
What is a hangover? What are four common symptoms?
This the term used to describe the aftereffects of drinking. This could be nausea, vomiting, headaches, or sensitivity to noise.
How old must you be to legally buy and consume alcohol? (In the USA)
What percent of fatal motor crashes have alcohol involved?
What is the technical term for “drunk driving”?
- Driving While Intoxicated (DWI)
OR - Driving Under Influence (DUI)
What are seven long-term physical risks of alcohol consumption?
- Brain damage
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Liver damage (could lead to Cirrhosis)
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Strokes
- Cancers
What is alcoholism?
A disease in which people can no longer control their intake of alcohol.
Who is at risk of becoming on alcoholic?
Anyone who drinks but the children of alcoholics are five times more likely to get into alcohol.
What are the 3 stages of alcoholism? (explain)
- Social drinker: meals and special occasions
- Absolute dependence: can’t start their day without a drink (can be hidden).
- Late stage: Experience serious mental and physical health problems (can’t be hidden)
What are three effects alcoholism can have on those around the alcoholic?
- They can cause 10,000 deaths from car crashes per year.
- They abuse their families.
- Many of their children become alcoholics.
What are the three steps to becoming sober?
- Acknowledge: you have a drinking problem
- Detoxification: remove all alcohol from your body (withdrawal)
- Rehabilitation: learning to cope without alcohol
What are three popular alcohol support groups?
- AA: Alcoholics Anonymous
- MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving
- SADD: Students Against Drunk Driving
What is Sobriety?
Completely refraining from a particular behavior or substance.
What is another name for tobacco? Name a death statistic.
“Noxious Weed”. Tobacco use is the number 1 cause of preventable death in the world (8 million per year).
Name four tobacco preoducts.
- Cigarettes
- Cigars
- Pipes
- Smokeless tobacco
What is a habit?
A regular practice or tendency that is hard to give up.
What is an addictive drug?
A substance that causes physiological or psychological dependence.
What is nicotine?
The addictive drug form (agent) in tobacco.
What is a stimulant?
A drug that increases the action of the Central Nervous System.
What are four toxic elements found in tobacco products?
- 43 different cancer-causing carcinogens
- 5,000 chemicals
- Tar: a thick, sticky, dark fluid that destroys the cilia, damages the aveoli, and destroys lung tissues
- Carbon monoxide: a poisonous gas that deprives tissues and cells of oxygen and causes the arteries to harden
By how many years is the life expectancy shortened for smokers?
10 years
What are two harmful effects of pipes/cigars?
- Contain more tar and carbon monoxide than cigarettes
- Higher risk of lip, mouth, and throat cancers (oral)
What is Leukoplakia?
White leathery looking spots on the inside of the mouth and/or nose that can turn into oral cancer.
What are four long term effects of tobacco?
- Craving sensation (brain)
- Withdrawal symptoms (brain)
- Increased respiration (breathing)
- Dulls taste buds
What are four long term effects of tobacco?
- Chronic bronchitis (damage cilia)
- Emphysema (destroys air ways - can’t breathe)
- Lung cancer
- Coronary heart disease and stroke
What are two problems of tobacco use that do not involve health?
- Legal problems (must be 21)
- Financial problems (very expensive)
What are four reasons why some teens choose to smoke?
- Peer pressure
- Control weight
- Cope with stress
- Make them seem like mature adults
What is Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)?
A.K.A. secondhand smoke is air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke.
What are the two types of ETS?
- Mainstream smoke: smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker
- Sidestream smoke: smoke from the burning end of a cigarette
What are four effects of ETS on nonsmokers?
- Eye irritation
- Coughing
- Worsened asthma
- Lung cancer
What are four effects of smoking on unborn babies?
- Miscarriage
- Addiction
- Deformities
- Still births
What are three effects of ETS and smoking on children?
- Increased risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
- Increased risk of asthma
- More likely to smoke as adults
How do electronic cigarettes work? What are some common names for them?
A.K.A vapes, vape pens, and JUULs. They use a battery to heat up a liquid called “e-juice” into an aerosol that users inhale. “e-juice” usually contains nicotine or cannabis, flavoring, and other chemicals.
What are 5 short term dangers of tobacco?
- Rapid onset coughing
- Breathing difficulties
- Weight loss
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhea
What are four forms of treatment for tobacco use?
- Gum
- Nicotine patches
- Support groups
- Exercise